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The fact is that nowadays you can complete almost all the procedures online, comfortably and without leaving home. That is not to say that for certain procedures or consultations you would prefer to be able to get more personalised attention at one of our electricity company's offices. Also to be able to answer specific queries, or to help you decide which services you are most interested in contracting.
What do you have to do to make an appointment with Endesa?
Endesa has an extensive network of offices all over Spain to attend personally to its customers or future customers. The network of offices works under an appointment system, which can be accessed on most of the information points. We will explain step-by-step how you can make an appointment with Endesa, and if you prefer there is also a video that you can watch on the YouTube channel.
- The first thing is to find the office closest to your home or the place where you are. To do this, go to the Endesa website, in the "offices and service points" section, and enter your location in the search engine (the usual icon of the magnifying glass).
- When doing the search you can choose between activating the option 'view offices for visits by appointment' or 'view only offices with video attention', depending on what you prefer.
- If a previous sweep is not made, for each of the available offices that appear depending on the address shown, the available service options will be shown. Some offices do not have the 'appointment' service, but you will always be able to access the video attention service, to answer all kinds of queries through video call and without having to leave home.
- Once you have selected the nearest office, the information will be displayed and you can click on a button to request an appointment, which will take you to the page where you can do this.
- Together with the chosen office, and the option to make an appointment, a drop-down menu will appear in which you have to select the service you wish to consult from the different options available there: Contracts, information, bills, complaints, sales and company service.
- Then you should choose the date and the time that best suit you on the calendar that will appear on the website and where the times available will appear in blue. Offices are normally open from Monday to Thursday, from 9am to 5pm, and on Friday from 9am to 2pm. Appointments are divided into 15 minute time slots. Slots already taken by other users appear in grey.
- Once you have chosen the date, the final step is to fill in a form with your personal data (full name, ID card or document, e-mail and contact telephone number) to be able to book your appointment. A 'query detail' box will also appear where you can add further information or give an indication about the information or procedure that is the subject of your query.
- In point four, 'prior appointment', you will find all the information about the appointment you have booked, with the option of printing a copy and which you will also receive by e-mail. Once the appointment has been booked, it can be easily modified or cancelled on the same website.
What procedures can be made at the Endesa office?
When making an appointment with Endesa at one of their offices, you should give those you will be consulting some idea about the nature of your query. You should choose one of the following options: Contracts, information, bills, complaints, sales and company service.
The "contract" and "information" options refer both to new customers, for new electricity and gas contracts, as well as advice and to resolve any doubts you may have about the Endesa's services and tariffs.
The "billing" service includes any procedure relating to changes of power, changes of contract holder, and the payment of invoices. The 'complaint' service will address any type of incident, payment errors, complaints about bills and electricity and gas contracts. We can make queries relating to consumption of a private household and also on behalf of a company, through attention service for SMEs.
Making an appointment with Endesa if you are not yet a customer
If you are not yet registered in the Endesa customer area, you can make an appointment from home without any problem by following the steps above. You do not need to be registered.
Endesa's offices guarantee direct and 100% personalised attention.
Take a minute to find the product that best suits you:
Take a minute to find the product that best suits you:
You don't need to adapt to Endesa's tariffs because they adapt to you. If you go to our catalogue you can compare the different tariffs for yourself. Or if you prefer, you can answer a few questions and we will take care of comparing all the different electricity and gas tariffs and then make a customised recommendation.
Take a minute to find the product that best suits you:
You don't need to adapt to Endesa's tariffs because they adapt to you. If you go to our catalogue you can compare the different tariffs for yourself. Or if you prefer, you can answer a few questions and we will take care of comparing all the different electricity and gas tariffs and then make a customised recommendation.