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Energy Auditing Services for companies
Always on time and with the best professionals.
Endesa offers an Energy Audit Service tailored to your needs, aimed at reducing your business' energy consumption and generating cost savings. Our methodology includes a thorough analysis of all factors affecting your current energy accounting, followed by a detailed strategy for implementing energy optimisation measures.
We adapt our services to your business' needs
- Single-Point Energy Audit: energy audits at a single location. We analyse your energy consumption as a whole, including your contract conditions, and suggest potential improvements in compliance with the quality standards of Energy Audit regulations according to UNE EN 16247.
- Multi-Point Energy Audit: they include the same features as Single-Point Energy Audits, but are designed to cover multiple locations. They allow for analyses based on representative samples.
- Industrial Energy Audit: tailored energy audits for large-scale consumers with industrial processes, providing a fully customised approach.
Benefits of contracting the Energy Auditing Service for companies
RD 56/2016
We help you conduct your energy audit, including any corresponding administrative procedures.
RD 56/2016
We help you conduct your energy audit, including any corresponding administrative procedures.
RD 56/2016
We help you conduct your energy audit, including any corresponding administrative procedures.
Presentation of results
Your personal agent will deliver a report and explain the savings measures proposed.
Presentation of results
Your personal agent will deliver a report and explain the savings measures proposed.
Presentation of results
Your personal agent will deliver a report and explain the savings measures proposed.
Endesa provides extensive, nationwide coverage.
Endesa provides extensive, nationwide coverage.
Endesa provides extensive, nationwide coverage.
We provide different ranges of services that enable us to adjust to your type of business.
We provide different ranges of services that enable us to adjust to your type of business.
We provide different ranges of services that enable us to adjust to your type of business.
Energy Saving Certificate
We help you monetise your energy savings by managing your Energy Saving Certificates.
Energy Saving Certificate
We help you monetise your energy savings by managing your Energy Saving Certificates.
Energy Saving Certificate
We help you monetise your energy savings by managing your Energy Saving Certificates.
Flexible payment plans
We offer a range of flexible payment methods for you to choose from.
Flexible payment plans
We offer a range of flexible payment methods for you to choose from.
Flexible payment plans
We offer a range of flexible payment methods for you to choose from.
Improve your business
We identify feasible savings opportunities so you can start improving your business right away.
Improve your business
We identify feasible savings opportunities so you can start improving your business right away.
Improve your business
We identify feasible savings opportunities so you can start improving your business right away.
ISO 50001/14001
Our audit is valid for the implementation of the ISO 50001 and ISO 14001 standards.
ISO 50001/14001
Our audit is valid for the implementation of the ISO 50001 and ISO 14001 standards.
ISO 50001/14001
Our audit is valid for the implementation of the ISO 50001 and ISO 14001 standards.
Monitor your consumption
We help you implement an energy management system (EMS) to monitor your consumption in real time.
Monitor your consumption
We help you implement an energy management system (EMS) to monitor your consumption in real time.
Monitor your consumption
We help you implement an energy management system (EMS) to monitor your consumption in real time.
Which businesses are required to conduct an energy audit?
- Large companies, defined as those with at least 250 employees or having a turnover exceeding 50 million euros and a balance sheet total greater than 43 million euros.
- Groups of companies that, based on the combined figures for all the companies within the consolidated group, meet the criteria for large companies.
We help you to hire also by WhatsApp!
If you manage a company and you are not yet a customer, we have an offer for you.
Our Energy Audit service thoroughly analyses your business' energy consumption as a whole to identify economically viable energy-saving measures. Our goal is to understand and assess your business' current energy usage to highlight potential savings opportunities you can benefit from.
Additionally, our audit service is suitable for companies looking to implement the ISO 50001 Energy Management System standard and the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System standard.
Finally, if you need to comply with RD 56/2016, Endesa can help you prepare your mandatory energy audit, required every four years. Failing to comply with this obligation can result in penalties of up to €60,000.
Our Energy Audit is essentially a detailed analysis of your business' current relationship with energy, aimed at helping you become more efficient. During this process, we analyse the following aspects for each location:
Analysis of energy supplies.
For all energy sources, including their contracting terms and conditions:
- Electricity.
- Natural gas.
- Other fuels.
Analysis of cross-sector technologies.
Analysis of behaviour with regard to energy for all those installations that are not part of the production process, but that are essential for it to operate:
- Lighting.
- Industrial Heat Generation and Distribution.
- Generation and distribution of Industrial Cooling, etc.
Analysis of Production Processes.
The objective of this phase is to analyse the energy performance of the different processes, focussing on each of the main energy-consuming components involved.
Description and analysis of the building(s).
Description and analysis of means of transport.
All this makes it possible to:
- Have detailed energy accounting.
- Identification and proposal of technically and economically feasible energy-saving measures.
We have completed over 1,500 energy audits, and it is thanks to this extensive experience that we offer an all-inclusive service that guarantees optimal results.
We are with you every step of the way:
- Initial information: you will receive a visit from your personal representative, who will explain the audit in detail.
- Performing the audit: we conduct the audit as quickly as possible, with no unnecessary stress or inconvenience to you.
- Analysis and report creation: we analyse and create a detailed report of the audit results and propose the measures identified to improve your energy efficiency, including cost-free measures and best practices.
- Proposals for improvement: your personal representative will show you the report and explain the proposed measures, prioritised by savings and amortisation periods.
- Start of the project: 1 month after the contract is signed.
- Analysis and reporting: 3 months after the start of the project.
The recommendations proposed after an audit has been completed are structured into the following categories:
- Improvements in the knowledge and control of energy consumption, including the implementation of energy monitoring, control and management systems.
- Improvements in how energy is consumed, including the detection and elimination of phantom and unnecessary consumption, adjustments to the operating parameters of the installations to optimise performance.
- Improvements in the energy efficiency of the different systems, such as lighting systems, ACS, air conditioning, compressed air, proposals for changes of equipment and/or fuels, proposals for heat recovery, improvements in insulation, elimination of leaks...
- Improvements in how energy is contracted, including the possibility of adjusting power, time-of-use tariffs in accordance with real needs.
- Proposal for the use of renewable energies, such as solar photovoltaic, solar thermal or biomass.