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Legal Notice
On this page we show you all the information you need on the different general conditions of use for this website, in addition to legal information about Endesa Energía S.A. or Endesa S.A., as appropriate.
Commercial: Endesa Energía, S.A.
General information
General information for the purposes of article 10 of Spanish Law 34/2002 of 11 July 2002, concerning the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services.
- Registered company name of the information service provider: ENDESA ENERGÍA SA, Sociedad Unipersonal.
- Registered address: Calle Ribera del Loira, no. 60 – Madrid 28042 – Spain.
- Registration data in the Madrid Company Register: Volume 12797, Folio 208, Page M-205381.
- Tax Code No.: A-81948077.
- Email Address: atencionalcliente@endesaonline.com.
To effectively answer any questions you may have about the information contained on the website, the contact channels to be found in the contact section of this website are available.
Terms and conditions
Hereunder you can consult the general terms and conditions of access and use of the website next.
The use of this website gives you the status of User of the same and expresses your full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the general conditions published by Endesa ENERGÍA SA (from now on "Endesa") from the moment that you access the Web , without prejudice to the acceptance of any specific conditions that may be applicable.
Any use other than that authorised is expressly prohibited, Endesa being empowered to deny or withdraw access and use of the Web at any time, without prior notice, in relation to those users who breach these general conditions or any specific conditions which, where appropriate, result from its application.
InfoEnergía is a service intended for the use of the holder of an electricity contract with Endesa Energía. According to article 79.3 of Royal Decree No. 1955/2000, "the supply contract is personal and its holder shall be the effective user of the energy". Endesa shall not be liable for access to the InfoEnergía service by any person other than the holder or authorised power supply user.
- If the visitor to InfoEnergía is holder he or she will be able to see and edit the profile of the household in question, and will also be able to browse through all the sections of InfoEnergía.
- If the visitor to InfoEnergía is authorised, he or she will be able to see the household profile of all the client's Endesa energy contracts, and in addition will be able to navigate all the sections of InfoEnergía. This corresponds to the same behaviour as authorised users of the website www.endesa.com.
Endesa reserves the right to modify, unilaterally, at any time and without notice the present conditions. In these cases changes will be published and notified with the maximum possible advance notice.
In the same way, it reserves the right to modify, unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and configuration of the website.
The access and use of the WEB is free for Users and does not require the User's pre-registration on a general basis. However, it is possible that access to and use of certain information and services offered through the Web can only be made subject to the User's registration.
The User agrees to make diligent use and not to make available to third parties his username and password, as well as to communicate to Endesa as soon as possible, the loss, theft or any risk of access to them by a third party.
The User is responsible for the veracity and accuracy of all the data that you enter in the Web, whatever function you use. Likewise, it declares that it has all the necessary permission concerning the data that it accesses and that it has the consent for the use of data belonging to third parties. In this sense Endesa is exonerated of any responsibility for any Inaccurate, incomplete or incorrect data or because of the lack of consent for its use and incorporation into the Web.
All the information contained in this website, including images, graphic designs or computer codes, trade names, trademarks and distinctive signs, among others, is the intellectual and industrial property of Endesa. The same applies to the exclusive exercise of the rights of exploitation of the aforementioned intellectual property, in any form and, in particular, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation. Endesa does not wholly or partially cede, or grant any licence or authorisation to users, or intellectual or industrial property rights of any other form relating to the Web.
Endesa also guarantees that the contents, including those of intellectual property, are not of an illicit nature and do not infringe current legal regulations. Therefore, the contents of the website will not be xenophobic, pornographic, discriminatory, racist or in any way foment violence. In addition, Endesa shall take the legal measures it deems appropriate to prevent any kind of conduct contrary to law or morality.
It constitutes an infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights protected by law to proceed with the reproducing or copying, distributing, modifying, ceding or public transmission of the information contained on the Web, unless it is authorised by the holder of the Rights or this is legally permissible.
Endesa will be able to offer the contents, functionalities or services of this Web by means of the development of Apps, in which case the User must have the technical and technological means necessary for such access.
The versions of the Web in Catalan and English have only an informative effect. In the event of any discrepancy in the content of the version in Catalan or English with the original version in Spanish, the published Spanish version will always prevail.
On our website we use proprietary cookies and those of collaborating companies to customise your user experience and offer you the best services.
When browsing our website, you will be accepting the use of cookies under the conditions laid down in the cookie policy.
Cookies are small data files that the Internet server sends to the device that you connect to the Web and that it archives. They are only associated with your browser and do not provide personal data in themselves. Cookies cannot harm your device and are also very useful, since they help us to identify and resolve errors.
Regarding the exclusion of warranties and liabilities, Endesa shall not be held liable for the following:
- Any damages of any kind that may be due to the products or services provided or offered by third parties or entities through the Web, and in particular:
- The breach of law, morality and good manners, as well as public order, or the use of the products and/or services offered in a manner not diligent or incorrect, or for illicit purposes or effects or contrary to what is established in these general conditions or in any specific conditions of use that may apply.
- The infringement of industrial and intellectual property rights.
- The violation of professional secrecy.
- The infringement of the rights to honour, personal and family intimacy and the image of persons, and those relating to the protection of children and youth.
- Carrying out acts of unfair competition.
- The carrying out of illicit publicity or acts constituting a legal offence or of a pornographic nature.
- The illegality or lack of veracity, accuracy, reliability, relevance, topicality and exhaustiveness of the contents and information transmitted or made available to users, including information and services provided by third parties or by users through the Web.
- Failure to comply or defective compliance or termination for any reason of contracts made with third parties in connection with the provision of services through the Web.
- The incapacitation of any User or the impersonation of the personality of a third party made by any User.
- Endesa will only be responsible for its own services and content directly originated by it and identified with its Copyright as a trademark or sign of the intellectual or industrial property of the same.
- The damages of any kind that may be due to the knowledge by unauthorized third parties of the class, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of the use that the users make of the Web and of the services that it offers.
- Damages of any nature that may be due to the existence of errors in the access or use of the Web page, as well as in the access or use of its services or of the content, although it commits to avoid them, to update it or to rectify the said content. This explicitly excludes any responsibility for the lack of availability or continuity of the functioning of the web and of the services, as well as with regard to any failures in the access to the different Web pages or to those from which the services are provided.
- The damages of any nature that may be due to the information contained in its web page, or to which this web may establish hypertext links or "links". The purpose of the "links" that appear on the page is purely informative, with Endesa not being responsible in any case for the result that it is intended to obtain by means of access to the aforementioned "links". Therefore, Endesa shall not be liable for:
- The availability, accessibility and operation or continuity of the linked sites.
- The quality, lawfulness, reliability, usefulness, veracity, validity, exhaustiveness and/or authenticity of the content existing in the linked sites.
- The maintenance, delivery or transmission of existing content in the linked sites.
- The damages of any nature that may be due to the existence of viruses in the computer system, electronic documents or files of the users. Likewise, by the presence of a virus in the services provided by third parties through the Web, causing alterations in the computer system, electronic documents or files of the users.
- Under no circumstances, including negligence, loss of business, loss of use, loss of profits, loss of data, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages resulting from access to or use of the Web services, or any other form within the scope of the same.
- The damages that may derive from the knowledge that may have unauthorized third parties of the class, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of access and use that the users make of the Web and of the informations and services, as well as of the non-compliance by users of their obligations in relation to personal data.
In connection with the limitation of liability, Endesa disclaims all warranties regarding WEB services, express, implied or compulsory, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for the purpose and to the obligatory guarantees of protection against non-compliance.
The access and use of the Web have, in principle, an indefinite duration. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Endesa reserves the right to terminate or suspend access to and use of the website at any time. Where this is reasonably possible, the termination or suspension of access to and/or use of the Web site shall be previously notified.
The User expressly agrees to indemnify Endesa and the other companies of its group, employees, administrators, agents, providers of information or services and licensers, any damages (including attorneys' fees and costs) arising from the User's default of these general conditions or the specific conditions applicable, as appropriate, and to cooperate with ENDESA in defending its interests in the event of any claim or initiation or to invoke any judicial or administrative proceedings for such cause.
In addition, the User undertakes to make his or her best efforts in order to avoid or, where appropriate, mitigate the harmful and damaging effects that could be derived for Endesa.
All the conditions established will be governed by Spanish law. Endesa and the User, expressly waiving the corresponding jurisdiction, are subject to the courts and tribunals of the User's home, for any controversy that may arise from the provision of services under these general conditions.
In the event that the User has his/her domicile outside the Spanish territory, Endesa and the User submit, with express waiver of the corresponding jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of Madrid (Spain).
In addition, in accordance with European law, you are informed that the European Commission's online dispute review platform is also available, which is accessible on the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
© Copyright 2020 ENDESA ENERGÍA SA . Total or partial reproduction prohibited. All rights reserved.
Corporate: Endesa, S.A.
General information
General information for the purposes of Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July, on services of the information society and electronic commerce.
- Corporate name of the information society service provider: Endesa, Sociedad Anónima.
- Registered office: Ribera del Loira 60. 28042 Madrid - Spain
- Registration data in the Madrid Mercantile Registry: Volume 323, Folio 1, Sheet 6405.
- Tax identification code number: A - 28/023430.
To effectively answer any questions you may have about the information contained on the website, the contact channels to be found in the contact section of this website are available.
Terms and conditions
Hereunder you can consult the general terms and conditions of access and use of the website next.
The use of this Website aassigns you the status of User thereof, and expresses your full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the General Conditions published by Endesa S.A. (hereinafter “the Company”) from the very moment you access the Website, without prejudice to your acceptance of any Specific Conditions that may be applicable. Any use other than the one authorized is expressly prohibited, with Endesa being authorised to limit, suspend, deny or withdraw access to and use of the Web, at any time, and without prior notice, vis-à-vis those Users who breach these General Conditions or the Specific Conditions that may be applicable. Furthermore, Endesa reserves the right to exercise such measures when it reasonably suspects that the User is violating any of the terms contained in the Terms and Conditions of Use or any of the other terms in the Specific Conditions included in the Website.
The Company reserves the right to unilaterally modify these Conditions at any time and without prior notice. In these cases, such modifications will be published and communicated with the maximum possible notice. Similarly, the Company reserves the right to modify, unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation and layout of the Website.
Especially, Endesa reserves the right to eliminate, limit or prevent access to the Web when technical difficulties arise due to events or circumstances beyond Endesa’s control that, in its opinion, decrease or annul the security levels or standards adopted for the proper functioning of said Website. To this end, Endesa reserves the right, at all times, to determine the continuity or otherwise of the services offered therein.
The access and use of the Website is free for Users and generally does not require prior registration of the User. However, the accessing and use of certain information and services offered on the Website may only be possible after registration of the User.
The User undertakes to make diligent use of their Username and password and not to make the latter available to third parties, as well as to notify the Company as soon as possible in the case of their loss, theft or any risk of access thereto by a third party.
When you access our website you are expressly authorised to view all the information contained on the page, as well as to make private reproductions of it on your computer systems, as long as these contents are for your exclusive use and are not subsequently transferred to third parties. Therefore:
- You are not authorised to reproduce or copy, distribute, modify, assign or publicly communicate the information contained on the Website, unless you have the authorisation of the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.
- You are not authorised to use the information contained in the Website for direct sales purposes or for any other kind of commercial purpose, to send unsolicited messages addressed to a plurality of persons regardless of their purpose, or to market such information in any way.
- You are not authorised to delete, circumvent, tamper with the "copyright" and other identifying information regarding the rights of the Company orits titular owners incorporated in the contents, or the technical protection devices, digital fingerprints or any other protection mechanisms.
- You are not authorised to disassemble, decompile or invert the databases in which the information on the Website is stored.
- You are not authorised to carry out "spamming" practices or acts in the use or as a result of the use of the Website or of the information and services for the purposes of selling or marketing them to a plurality of persons without their prior request or consent, or to send any other unsolicited or not previously consented to messages to a plurality of persons, or send chains of unsolicited or not previously consented to electronic messages, or use distribution lists that can be accessed through the Website.
Any violation of the provisions of this paragraph will be considered to be an infringement of the intellectual property rights of the Company, giving rise to the responsibilities legally established for this purpose and such action may be prosecuted through the appropriate administrative, civil or criminal procedures.
All the information contained on this Website, including images, graphic designs or computer codes, commercial names, brands and distinctive signs, is the intellectual and industrial property of Endesa. The exclusive exercise of the rights of exploitation of the mentioned intellectual property, in any form, corresponds to Endesa, and, especially, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation. The Company does not assign, in whole or in part, or grant any license or authorisation to the Users on the rights of intellectual or industrial property or any other rights related to the Website.
Furthermore, the Company guarantees that the contents, including those of intellectual property, are not illegal and that they do not violate current regulations. Therefore, the contents of the Website will not be xenophobic, pornographic, discriminatory, racist, nor will they encourage violence in any way. In addition, the Company will adopt the legal measures it deems appropriate to prevent any type of conduct contrary to the Law or morality.
Regarding the exclusion of guarantees and responsibilities, the Company will not be answerable for:
- The damages of any nature that may be due to the information that may be offered by third parties or entities through the Web, and in particular for:
- Infringement of the Law, morals and good customs, as well as public order.
- The infringement of industrial and intellectual property rights.
- The violation of professional secrecy.
- The violation of the rights relating to honour, to personal privacy and the privacy of the family and to the image of persons, and those related to the protection of children and young people.
- The performance of acts of unfair competition.
- Acts of illegal advertising or acts constituting a crime or of a pornographic nature.
- The illegality or lack of truthfulness, accuracy, reliability, relevance, updating and completeness of the contents and information transmitted or made available to Users, including information via third parties or via Users through the Website.
- The incapacity of any User or the impersonation of the personality of a third party carried out by the User.
The Company will only be liable for the contents directly originated by it and identified with its Copyright as a trademark or its intellectual or industrial property.
- Damages of any nature that may be due to the knowledge by unauthorised third parties of the class, conditions, characteristics and circumstances of the use that Users make of the Website
- Damages and losses of any nature that may be due to the existence of errors in the access to or use of the Web page, as well as in such access or content, although it undertakes to avoid errors, updating it or correcting said content. That is to say, responsibility for the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the Website is excluded.
- Damages of any nature that may be due to the information contained in websites to which this Website may send hypertext links or links. The purpose of the links that appear on the page is purely informative, the Company is not responsible in any case for the result you seek through your accessing said links. Therefore, the Company will not be answerable for:
- The availability, accessibility and operation or continuity of the linked sites.
- The quality, legality, reliability, usefulness, veracity, validity, completeness and / or authenticity of the content existing on the linked sites.
- The maintenance, provision or transmission of the existing contents on the linked sites.
- Damages of any nature that may be due to the existence of viruses in the computer system, electronic documents or files of the Users. Similarly,for the presence of viruses in the services provided by third parties through the Website, negatively affecting the computer system, electronic documents or files of Users.
- Under no circumstances, including negligence, loss of business, loss of use, loss of profit, loss of data, for indirect, secondary, special or consequential damages resulting from access to the Website, or otherwise found within its environment..
- Damages that may arise from the knowledge that unauthorised third parties may have of the class conditions, characteristics and circumstances of access to and use that Users make of the Website and the information, or from breaching by Users of their obligations in relation to personal data.
In relation to the limitation of liability, the Company rejects all warranties regarding the services of the Website, express, implied or mandatory.
In the event that the User or any other Internet User is aware that any kind of information or content on the Website or provided through it is illegal, harmful to third party rights, harmful, degrading, violent, inappropriate, contrary to what is established in these Conditions of Use or, in any other way, contrary to morals, uses and good customs, they can contact Endesa indicating the following points:
- Personal data of the communicator: name, address, telephone number and email address;
- Description of the facts that reveal the illegal or inappropriate nature of the content or information as well as the specific address in which it is available;
- In the case of violation of third party rights, such as intellectual and industrial property, the data of the owner of the infringed right must be provided when they are a person other than the communicator. The document that proves the ownership of the rights violated must also be provided and, where appropriate, the representation to act on behalf of the owner when they are a person other than the communicator.
The reception by ENDESA of the communication foreseen in this clause will not imply, as provided in the Electronic Commerce Act (LSSI, in its Spanish acronym) the effective knowledge of the activities and / or contents indicated by the caller when this is not noticeable or evident. In any case, Endesa reserves the right to suspend or withdraw the contents that, even if they are not illegal, are contrary to the norms established in these Conditions of Use, weighing up in each case the legal assets in dispute.
The access to and use of the Web have, in principle, an indefinite duration. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Endesa will reserve the right to terminate or suspend access to and use of the Website at any time. When reasonably possible, Endesa will previously warn of the termination or suspension of access to and / or use of the Website.
The User expressly agrees to indemnify the Company and the rest of the companies of its Group, employees, administrators, agents, providers of information or services and licensors for any damages and losses (including legal fees and costs) arising from the breach by the User of these General Conditions or any Specific Conditions, if applicable, as well as to collaborate with the Company in the defence of its interests in the event that any claim is filed or any judicial or administrative proceeding is initiated or invoked because of such cause. Furthermore, the User undertakes to make every effort in order to avoid or, where appropriate, mitigate the prejudicial and detrimental effects that may derive from it for the Company.
The versions of the Website in Catalan and English have only an informative purpose. In the event of any discrepancy in the content of the version in Catalan or in English with the original version in Spanish, what is published in the latter will always prevail.
All established Conditions will be governed by Spanish Law. The Company and the User, expressly waiving the jurisdiction that may apply to them, submit to the Tribunals and Courts of the User's address for any dispute that may arise from the provision of the services subject to these General Conditions. In the event that the User is domiciled outside Spanish Territory, the Company and the User submit, expressly waiving the jurisdiction that may apply, to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid (Spain).
© Copyright 2020 Endesa, S.A. Its total or partial reproduction is forbidden. All rights reserved.