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How to receive your Endesa digital bills
You listen to music on your telephone, you browse the internet on a television, and you communicate with a satellite through a watch. You’re in the digital revolution. So, why do you still receive paper bills? You don't need to leave your home to control your energy.
We live in a world in which your cell phone is enough to purchase anything, and to get it to your home within hours. Everything is connected.
In this context, some objects are becoming obsolete. DVD players have been eclipsed by video streaming. The desktop computer has been replaced by handheld devices. Your traditional daily postal delivery is now only used to receive your bills.
If you're still attached to paper invoices, we have news: it is totally free to have the same only better. Faster, more complete, with 100% customised information and automatic organisation.
Why you should digitalise your bills
There are many reasons that make it more convenient to digitalise your Endesa bills, but these are the most important ones:
- More information:we’re not talking about abandoning your traditional bills. You’ll continue to receive exactly the same bills in PDF format, with the same sections, and they're always available to be printed. They will have the same legal validity. You’ll have all of your traditional bills, but enhanced by much more information. In the case of electricity, you’ll know how much you’ve spent each hour of each day and you’ll see how this has changed over time, so you can find out if you’re being more or less efficient in your consumption.
- Faster: when the bill is ready, an email will arrive. We're not talking about a simple notification, but a complete graphic summary of what you’ve spent over the past month. Before the bank charges you and faster than it used to take for the postman to bring it to you.
- More control over your expenses: once you know exactly how much and when you're spending money, you can start to control your consumption. Recommendations will be made automatically, but you’ll be able to customise and configure alerts that advise you when your expenses exceed the limit you decide.
- Better organisation: you'll never lose a bill again, and there's no need for any folders. Everything will be automatically sorted by date, and you can access it any time from any device with an internet connection, whether through your Client Area or from the Endesa Clientes App, it's all up to you! Need a bill from last year? No need to go searching through papers. Three or four clicks and its in your hand.
- Greener: by avoiding displacement, energy efficiency is increased and CO2 emissions are reduced.
How to digitalise your bill in 2 steps
If you want to make the digital leap, it won't cost you anything. In doing so, the postman will no longer deliver your bills in the traditional way.
But you’ll always be able to go back to having paper bills quickly, simply and without paying anything.
To digitalise your bill, you need to:
- Log into your Client Area: Click to register quickly with your email address and identity document. If you are registered, just log in with your username and password.
- To activate your digital bill, simply log into the Client Area and navigate to the "Management" section under "Manage Digital Billing." It's that easy! You can also follow the same steps using the Endesa Customers App.
Starting now, say goodbye to paper. You're committed to the digital revolution. Your bills will promptly arrive from the email address factura@factura.endesaclientes.com.
“With digital billing, you're just giving up paper. You keep all the information and legal validity of the traditional bill. You gain more information and control over your expenses.”
Take a minute to find the product that best suits you:
Take a minute to find the product that best suits you:
You don't need to adapt to Endesa's tariffs because they adapt to you. If you go to our catalogue you can compare the different tariffs for yourself. Or if you prefer, you can answer a few questions and we will take care of comparing all the different electricity and gas tariffs and then make a customised recommendation.
Take a minute to find the product that best suits you:
You don't need to adapt to Endesa's tariffs because they adapt to you. If you go to our catalogue you can compare the different tariffs for yourself. Or if you prefer, you can answer a few questions and we will take care of comparing all the different electricity and gas tariffs and then make a customised recommendation.
Comparison of Electricity and Gas Tariffs
You don't need to adapt to Endesa's tariffs because they adapt to you. If you go to our catalogue you can compare the different tariffs for yourself. Or if you prefer, you can answer a few questions and we will take care of comparing all the different electricity and gas tariffs and then make a customised recommendation.
Spend a minute to find the product which best adapts to you:
Spend a minute to find the product which best adapts to you:
Spend a minute to find the product which best adapts to you: