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Choosing a gas tariff and registering a gas supply point

New customers must register a new gas supply point. We will guide you through the entire process.








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First, you need to know the status of your home or business:








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Registering a new gas supply point

In many cases, a home or business may not have a gas supply point registered, either because these are new properties or because the previous owner cancelled the service. 

Please keep in mind that registering a new supply point, changing the tariff or changing the contract holder are three different things. They are all different procedures. 

Do you need to register a new gas supply point? Call us and we will take care of everything:








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If you also need to register an electricity supply point:

How much does it cost to register a new gas supply point?

You can change the retailer, tariff or holder for free. However, if you wish to register a new supply point, you will be required to pay a series of charges to your distribution company.

These amounts are established in the corresponding regulations and they are the same, regardless of the distribution company (remember that you cannot choose the distribution company: each region will have its own distribution company assigned). The amount will vary according to your annual gas consumption and the autonomous community in which you live.

These costs do not include any expenses associated with adapting your installation or equipment. This will depend on the installer you choose. The prices for these services can vary greatly, depending on your choice.

The cost of registering a new gas supply point (or re-connecting one that has not been used for more than 5 years) is shown below (Royal Decree 1434/2002 of 14 December). These costs are charged by the distribution company, but they will be included in your first bill (sent to you by your retailer).

  • Supply connection charges
  • Registration charges
  • Guarantee deposit
Charges Description Amount [€]
Service connection charges for new customers

This amount corresponds to the cost of building the connection between the distribution network and the installation of the customer or community of residents.


L= Length to the supply connection point [m]

Service connection charges for new customers They are paid to the distribution company when a natural gas supply point is registered for the first time or in the case of gas supply points that have not been used for the past 5 years or more.

The price mainly depends on the access tariff chosen by the new customer during registration.

≤ 15.000 kWh/any

> 15.000 kWh/any
< 50.000 kWh/any

≥ 50.000 kWh/any

Registration fees

These fees are charged by the distribution company when you register a new gas supply point. They include the reception of the bulletin, inspection, and installation and inspection of the meter.

The amount charged will depend on the autonomous community in which you reside and your access tariff.

This amount will range from 60 to 130 euros, according to point 3 of article 91 of Law 34/1998, of 7 October.

Security deposit

This deposit only applies to new registrations, increase of the contracted power or when a supply point is re-connected.

The amount is calculated according to the theoretical monthly billing amount corresponding to the contracted power.

More information

Order IET/2446/2013, Order IET/2445/2014

If your home or business do not have electricity or gas, you need to make sure that the installation is connected properly and in compliance with the corresponding regulations. To do so, you must request a new connection to be registered. Your distribution company will handle everything else.

The distribution company is responsible for supplying gas or electricity to your home. You cannot choose or change it, since the company will be assigned to you according to your region.  

The map shows the distribution companies in each region:

The gas distribution companies cover the following regions, classified by autonomous community:

  • Madrileña Red de Gas: Autonomous Community of Madrid.
  • Gas Extremadura: Autonomous Community of Extremadura.
  • Nedgia: Galicia, Castile and Leon, Andalusia, Navarre, La Rioja, Castile-La Mancha, Autonomous Community of Valencia and Catalonia.
  • Redexis Gas: Aragón, Murcia and the Balearic Islands.
  • Nortegas: Basque Country, Asturias and Cantabria.

Below is the contact information of each Gas distribution company:

empty table cell General enquiries Breakdowns Customer area
Nedgia 900 100 252 900 750 750 Customer area
Nortegas 900 902 933 900 400 523 Customer area
Redexis Gas 900 811 339 900 924 622 Customer service
Gas Extremadura 924 24 84 84 900 649 416 Customer login
Madrileña Red de Gas 900 601 010 900 601 010 Customer area

You can check which distribution company has been assigned to you by reading the first digits of your CUPS code:

empty table cell Gas CUPS Code


ES0230 - ES0203 - ES0218 - ES0220 - ES0221 - ES0222 - ES0223 - ES0224 - ES0226 - ES0227


ES0229 - ES0201 - ES022901 - ES0211

Redexis Gas

ES020833 - ES0225 - ES020517 - ES020618

Gas Extremadura


Madrileña Red de Gas

ES0234 - ES022

When a new supply point is being registered, the distribution company will charge the applicable fees, which will be allocated to the maintenance of the national distribution network.

Follow these 5 steps or checks to register a new gas supply point:

  • ✔ 1. Make sure that the indoor installation and its elements are ready to be connected to the network, including the boiler or heater. This cost will be paid directly to the installer and borne by the customer.
  • ✔ 2. Have a gas connection installed (the gas pipe connected between the distribution company and a previous installation). You need to contact your distribution company if this connection point is not installed. They will install a new connection point for you.
  • ✔ 3. Obtain a Gas Installation Certificate (CIG).
  • ✔ 4. Have the CUPS: What is the CUPS? We tell you what you need to know about the CUPS and where to find it. You need to request the CUPS from your distribution company if you do not have one assigned.
  • ✔ 5. Have the full name, national identity document number or tax code and contact details of the contract holder on hand, as well as the bank account number to set up the direct debit, although you can change it later on easily and free of charge.

Once you have completed these 5 steps, you simply have to call us and Endesa will process your gas service registration.

Benefits of choosing Endesa as your gas supplier

Endesa understands its customers' needs and designs its products and services so you have all of the necessary information about your consumption and tariff. This will help you save on your bill and adapt your lifestyle to your expenses.

We will provide you with the following information and services:

  • Different tariffs so you can choose the one that best suits you. If you wish, we can provide you with personalised advice to help you choose.
  • Tariffs with fixed prices: enjoy peace of mind, since you will not be affected by changes in gas prices.
  • Digital bill: you will receive your bill in your email as soon as it is issued, and it will always be available online. Moreover, it provides more information than traditional hard copies and you can download it in PDF format.
  • Additional discounts for switching your electricity to Endesa. 
  • Maintenance services, to make sure that your boiler or heater is always in perfect running order, including an annual inspection and any repairs you need. 
  • No minimum duration: you can change your tariff or switch to a different company at any time.

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