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Quarterly indexed tariff: no more surprises on your business's electricity bill
Endesa's quarterly indexed tariff is a product designed for supplies with 3.0TD and 6.1TD access tariffs.
It was designed by Endesa to ensure your business' energy costs are based on the reference price of the Iberian wholesale electricity futures market (OMIP). The price is quoted during the first half of the month prior to the following applicable quarter and is valid for the entire quarter.
The indexed electricity price is reviewed quarterly based on the futures market (OMIP) reference. This allows you to benefit from a referenced and adjustable price with quarterly stability, avoiding the volatility of the daily wholesale market.
Additionally, you'll be able to calculate the price for the upcoming quarter 15 days before it comes into effect and compare it with the option of switching to one of Endesa's fixed-price contract.
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Simple indexed products.
Simple indexed products.
Simple indexed products.
Peace of mind
In being indexed with an Endesa product.
Peace of mind
In being indexed with an Endesa product.
Peace of mind
In being indexed with an Endesa product.
Price based on the daily market (OMIP) reference.
Price based on the daily market (OMIP) reference.
Price based on the daily market (OMIP) reference.
The flexibility to switch to a fixed price whenever you choose.
The flexibility to switch to a fixed price whenever you choose.
The flexibility to switch to a fixed price whenever you choose.
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Una tarifa indexada es aquella en la que el precio de la energía está calculado en función de un índice o referencia. En el caso de este producto indexado de Endesa, este índice de referencia es el mercado mayorista de futuros de electricidad (OMIP).
Un producto indexado es una fórmula de precio, que toma las referencias arriba indicadas, y, en función de cómo coticen estas referencias, devuelven un precio u otro. En el apartado de condiciones podrás tener acceso a las fichas de producto dónde podrás observar las fórmulas utilizadas para cada producto y cómo es su cálculo.
La tarifa indexada OMIP de Endesa es una tarifa referenciada al mercado de futuros de electricidad (OMIP). El precio es resultado de una fórmula que tiene como valor de energía el promedio de OMIP de la primera quincena del mes anterior al trimestre de aplicación.
Quarter | Start | End | Month when the price for the upcoming quarter is calculated |
Q1 | January | March | December |
Q2 | April | June | March |
Q3 | July | September | June |
Q4 | October | December | September |
Customers who sign up for our OMIP indexed tariff in November will be charged the prices for the fourth quarter. The next review will apply to their consumption starting in January of the following year.
OMIE and OMIP market prices must be adjusted to include all regulated costs and additional components that make up the price of electricity. These include the access tolls and charges applicable to the energy rate price at any given time, which are set by the CNMC and the Government, as well as ancillary services, transmission grid losses, and payments to the system operator.
All these costs are already factored into the pricing formula and will not be added later, ensuring that there are no surprises.
The indexed electricity tariff is the alternative that helps you save on your business's bill. You will benefit from lower prices compared to a fixed tariff if the market declines.
With a quarterly indexed tariff, you won't have to pay a fixed fee or a portion of the energy consumed at a fixed price. You will pay at the futures market reference price.
Moreover, indexed electricity tariffs are very transparent. The price is updated the month before the next quarter, so you know exactly how much you will pay for your business's electricity.
When you sign up for Endesa's quarterly indexed tariff, you should consider the following conditions:
- The tariff price is updated every quarter.
- The tariff price is based on the futures market price (OMIP).
- You can switch from an indexed tariff to a fixed-price tariff at any time.
- Endesa's indexed electricity tariff for businesses is designed for supplies with 3.0TD and 6.1TD tariffs.
No, the price is quoted the month before the next applicable quarter and is valid for the entire quarter. Changes may only occur as a result of modifications to regulated components, such as tolls and charges established by the Government.