Internal Protection System for Informants
Endesa has an Internal Protection System for Informants that facilitates reporting unlawful conduct and ensures suitable protection of Informants, strengthening the Company’s involvement in preventing illegal acts as an integral part of its commitment to regulatory compliance.
The Internal Protection System for Informants has a “Reporting Person Protection Policy” that sets out the system’s scope, general principles of operation, particularly regarding the protection of Informants and affected persons, as well as the procedure for reporting and processing reported occurrences. This process is set out in a separate document, titled “Reported Occurrence Management Procedure.”
The Internal Protection System for Informants ensures, inter alia, the right to report concerns anonymously, the prohibition against any form of retaliation, support measures and the special protection of personal data, providing further proof of Endesa’s commitment to complying with the most advanced ethical and regulatory compliance principles in this regard.
Reporting Person Protection Policy
Reported Occurrence Management Procedure
Reporting Channel
Endesa has a Reporting Channel so that all its stakeholders can securely and anonymously communicate any irregular, unethical or illegal behaviour which, in their opinion, may occur in the course of the Company's activities. It is the responsibility of each individual to make proper use of the channel, using it only and exclusively to communicate facts in good faith.