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Surviving the summer without spiking your energy bill

Let us suggest a way that you can not just survive, but thrive this summer. Take a deep breath. You won't have to deal with the heat and you won't see your energy bill sky-rocket.

Summer is with us once more, and that means heat. It’s normal to go outside and, as the day progresses, watch the numbers on the thermometers go up and up: 22, 25, 27... By noon they may already be showing more than 30 degrees, and when the sun goes down the temperature often stays the same or, if we’re lucky, drops slightly, giving us some respite. 

As the days get hotter, the first symptoms of heat frustration may start to appear: not being able to sleep, showering several times to cool off or leaving the windows wide open to let in some fresh air (although sometimes it is better to keep them closed them because the air outside is hotter than that in the house).

Even though we've already explained that it's perfectly feasible to survive the summer without air conditioning, today we are going for the simplest solution: air conditioning must work.

Don't worry about usage. We'll teach you a series of tricks that will help you balance your energy expenditure while keeping your home at a pleasant temperature.

“As a general rule, you should never need to force your AC down to lower than 25ºC”

AC? Yes. Bankruptcy? No

Establishing the ideal temperature in our homes depends on a lot of factors: how many people live there, your age, how active you are, the outside temperature... If we keep all these factors in mind, we'll be able to feel comfortable in our homes.


Say no to over-cooling

It's important to remember that the temperature should never be excessively low as this will spike your energy usage. This way, not only do we avoid an astronomical energy bill, but we will also be safe from certain threats to our health, such as medical conditions stemming from thermal shock.

So, remember: you shouldn't set the AC too high. It should never be necessary to set the temperature to lower than 25º C.


Maintenance is also important

For your AC unit to function correctly, you should make sure it's in good working order before turning it on. Not only will you pay less on your bill, you'll also extend the life of the unit, avoid nasty smells, and enjoy cleaner air, which could save you and yours from respiratory problems.

If your unit uses more than 5 kW of power, it should be inspected by an authorised specialist. If it's not, you can get the unit into good working order yourself. But remember, you should do this at the beginning and end of the summer.


Well-sealed doors and windows

With this simple action, you'll prevent the sun's reason from excessively heating your rooms and your cooling unit won't need as much energy to cool the area.

If you need to ventilate the house, it's best to do it at night or early in the morning, since that's when it's not as hot outside.


Choose a low-energy unit

If you need to buy an AC unit for your home don't forget to check the energy label before choosing one. The most efficient labels are A, B o C. That means that they will be able to successfully cool your home while using less energy.


Is it possible to endure the summer without changing your consumption habits?

Yes, provided that you choose a suitable rate. Sometimes, the temperature on our unit may vary over the course of the day, depending on who's at home at any given moment. If you can't manage to maintain the temperature we recommend, we'd suggest choosing the option that best fits you and your family's needs.

With Endesa's Tempo Happy Tariffs you can decide on certain hours when you won't pay for energy use. There are three options.

  • 1. This is for folks who want to concentrate their consumption during two consecutive hours during the day.
  • 2. This is for people who only need it for one day of the week.

If you follow this advice, your summer energy bill won't leave you in the red. And remember, we can all do our part in the fight against climate change if we use energy responsibly.

Finally, remember that we can all contribute to the fight against climate change by making responsible use of energy.








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Comparison of Electricity and Gas Tariffs

You don't need to adapt to Endesa's tariffs because they adapt to you. If you go to our catalogue you can compare the different tariffs for yourself. Or if you prefer, you can answer a few questions and we will take care of comparing all the different electricity and gas tariffs and then make a customised recommendation.

Do you want to see all our offers?

Spend a minute to find the product which best adapts to you:


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