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Tempo Happy time discrimination tariffs

Hourly electricity tariffs that suit your way of life

The Tempo Happy tariffs are ideal for saving electricity at home, they adapt to your needs and routines so you can reduce energy consumption and save on your electricity bill.

Choose the 2 consecutive hours when your electricity consumption will be free every day or, if you prefer, enjoy one free day per week.

Tempo Happy 2Horas: 2 hours of free electricity a day

If you like to have everything organised, this is the tariff for you. Save on your electricity bill with the Tempo Happy 2Horas Tariff, giving you two successive hours of free electricity, at your discretion, during which you will not pay anything for the electricity you consume. The saving is in your hands.

Tempo Happy Dia: Free electricity one day a week

The Tempo Happy Día Tariff is ideal for you if you are one of those people who consume more electricity on a specific day during the week, as the electricity you consume that day will be free. You can choose whichever day of the week you prefer and you will not pay anything for the electricity you consume: the perfect way to save electricity and save on your electricity bill.



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Advantages of contracting the Tempo Happy 2Horas and Tempo Happy Día tariff


With the Tempo Happy 2Horas and Tempo Happy Día tariffs you choose the two consecutive hours or the day of the week when you will have free electricity consumption.


With the Tempo Happy 2Horas and Tempo Happy Día tariffs you choose the two consecutive hours or the day of the week when you will have free electricity consumption.


With the Tempo Happy 2Horas and Tempo Happy Día tariffs you choose the two consecutive hours or the day of the week when you will have free electricity consumption.

2% discount

When taking out this tariff online, you will be sent a digital bill and a 2% discount on the electricity you use during the first year. Save time by contracting online with Endesa.

2% discount

When taking out this tariff online, you will be sent a digital bill and a 2% discount on the electricity you use during the first year. Save time by contracting online with Endesa.

2% discount

When taking out this tariff online, you will be sent a digital bill and a 2% discount on the electricity you use during the first year. Save time by contracting online with Endesa.

No commitment to remain

Try it, and if it doesn’t suit you, you can change your rate (or provider) without any additional cost.

No commitment to remain

Try it, and if it doesn’t suit you, you can change your rate (or provider) without any additional cost.

No commitment to remain

Try it, and if it doesn’t suit you, you can change your rate (or provider) without any additional cost.

Digital bill

You will receive all your bills by email as soon as they are emitted. Much faster than the postman.

Digital bill

You will receive all your bills by email as soon as they are emitted. Much faster than the postman.

Digital bill

You will receive all your bills by email as soon as they are emitted. Much faster than the postman.

If you are already an Endesa customer, we have a special offer for you.








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Frequently Asked Questions

Prices with taxes (*)

VAT % Peak hour power term €/kW and year Off-peak power term €/kW and year Energy Term €/kWh
21% 52,058075 €/kW and year 18,693328 €/kW and year 0,266735 €/kWh

(*) Prices including taxes. The energy term price includes a 2% discount for one year for activating the digital invoice. For electricity, the electricity tax will be added (5,11269632% or a minimum amount of €0.5/MWh or €1/MWh, as applicable) and for gas the hydrocarbons tax (€0.00234/kWh). To the total you should add VAT (21%), IGIC (Canary Islands 0% or 3%, and 7% as appropriate) or IPSI (Ceuta and Melilla: 4% or 1% as appropriate). To the prices will be added the regulated cost associated with the financing mechanism of the social bonus: Fixed cost per customer (marketing) of 0,012742€/day (Peninsula and Balearic Islands: 0,01620663€/day; Canary Islands: 0,01339331€/day for domestic customers with power of less than 10kW and, for all other cases, 0,01379573€/day; Ceuta and Melilla: 0,01352785€/day; all the above amounts include taxes applicable at the effective date of these prices).

By contracting the Tempo Happy 2Horas tariff you have two hours of free electricity consumption per day. But when you contract the Tempo Happy Día tariff you have 1 day a week of free electricity consumption. With both tariffs you will enjoy a fixed price per kWh the rest of the hours. 

That depends on your consumption habits, but according to Red Eléctrica de España, the most common time when electricity is consumed in Spain is between 8 pm and 10 pm during the winter and between 9 pm and 11 pm during the summer.

Think about when you consume most electricity at home and choose the option that best suits you.

Yes, you can change the mode of the Happy tariff as many times as you wish, either on the "Client Area" or by calling our customer service. We will help you choose the best option for you.

And there is no additional cost.

Please note that changes will only be made effective after the start of each billing period. That is, the last option you selected before you are billed will be applied.

If you want to change your Happy hours through our website, you can do it from your Client Area if you are registered.

If you have not yet registered, do not worry, click on the following link and we will help you do it: Register.

Once you are in the Client Area, click on the top menu where it says "Procedures".

In the Tariffs and Consumption section you should click on "Modify your Happy tariff".

You will be able to verify your current Tempo Happy tariff and the status of your contract. You will also find our recommendation for the best option for you in accordance with your consumption habits.

Then, by clicking on "Modify Tempo Happy" you can select the other options available with this tariff.

You can decide which option best suits your needs: Tempo Happy 2Horas or Tempo Happy Día. 

If you want to change the choice of 2 consecutive free hours, move the time selector to your liking and confirm the change once you have finished.

If what you need is to modify the day of the week, the procedure is just as simple. We will show you which is the day when you consume the most and you can choose the day that best suits you. When you make the change remember to confirm the modification.

Once you have made the request, you can check the status in the Endesa and I section, the notification bell that you will find in your Client Area.

There are no penalties if you decide to leave. There are only specific conditions for some promotions or temporary special offers. Don't worry, we will let you know if this is the case.

A Tempo Happy tariff contract has a duration of one year and is automatically renewable.

The price may be updated on 1 January each year by the value of the actual CPI (last General Year-on-Year Consumer Price Index officially published at the time of the update), as well as for variations in the current regulated components that apply to electricity and gas supplies, and with possible new changes that may be approved by regulation.

In case of an update based on the CPI, the year-on-year CPI for November will be used. It is published on the National Statistics Institute website (https://www.ine.es/). The update will be made by adding the result of multiplying the CPI by the previous prices to the existing prices. For more information, the year-on-year CPI for November 2024 was 2.4%, the year-on-year CPI for November 2023 was 3.2%; for November 2022, it was 6.8%; for November 2021, it was 5.5%; for November 2020, it was -0.8%; and for November 2019, it was 0.4%.

Any changes in the regulated components applicable in the contract (upwards or downwards) will be transferred to the customer. These modifications are regulated, they are totally beyond Endesa's control and apply equally throughout Spain and to all companies.

The price may also be reviewed one year after contracting. If there were any changes, we would let you know one month in advance. Always remember that at any time you can terminate the contract or contract another tariff from Endesa or any other company without penalty.

If you want to enjoy the energy generated by your own home, we have the best offers for you, whether you already have solar panels installed or if you plan to install them.

Endesa Solar, the tariff for self-consumption with surpluses

If you already have your solar panels installed and working, with Endesa Solar tariff you can get the most out of your photovoltaic solar installation. Simple and with no time bands.

Endesa Solar is the self-consumption tariff with compensation for surpluses, you do not lose the energy that your panels generate but you do not get to consume. You are compensated financially, directly on your next bill. It also offers you a fixed price 24 hours a day for the energy you consume from the grid.

Self-consumption tariff with installation of Solución Solar panels 24/7

If you have not yet installed your solar panels, with the 24/7 Solución Solar tariff offered by Endesa Energía and Endesa X you will get the most out of your energy, long before the installation has been completed.

With Solución Solar 24/7, you can save during the entire process of installing your panels with the Tempo 24h tariff, which offers you a 40% discount at all hours of the day*. This will enable you to start saving from the very beginning as if your solar panels were already generating energy.

*Discount valid only for those who contract the Solución Solar 24/7 tariff. Maximum duration for the discount: 6 months.

If you have a solar panel installation with a self-consumption tariff activated, you will not be able to sign up for this tariff. However, at Endesa we have the Endesa Solar Tariff available, which is designed especially for you.


Tempo Happy Tariff 2.0TD

PDF Download

Terms of business

PDF (0.26MB) Download

Conditions digital bill

PDF (0.31MB) Download

By signing this new contract we inform you that, if you meet the requirements to qualify for the Bono Social discounted rate, you will not be able to qualify for it. Nor will you be able to apply for the Small Consumer Voluntary Price (PVPC) tariff.

Spend a minute to find the product which best adapts to you:


We are finding the right energy for you...

We are finding the right energy for you...

You don't need to adapt to Endesa's tariffs because they adapt to you. If you go to our catalogue you can compare the different tariffs for yourself. Or if you prefer, you can answer a few questions and we will take care of comparing all the different electricity and gas tariffs and then make a customised recommendation.

Do you want to see all our offers?

Get the most out of it

Solar Simply con batería virtual

  • The tariff that enables you to take advantage of the surpluses by exceeding the limit for compensation as discounts on future invoices.
  • All the energy from your solar panels now with free virtual battery: No activation and maintenance costs.
If you do no yet have solar panels

Install solar panels

  • Including the installation of photovoltaic solar panels. We will assess you throughout the process.
  • You start saving from the moment you sign the contract. You save with solar panels even when there is no sun.
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go back icon go back in navigation number 50 icon go to product Tempo Happy 50 Horas calendar icon go to product Tempo Happy Día companies icon go to the business segment gas icon go to gas product catalog rising sun icon go to Tempo Verde-Renewable Energy product home icon go to the household segment 24 hours icon go to One Luz product electricity icon go to Luz's product catalog electricity and gas icon go to the Luz + Gas product catalog moon icon go to product One night light monkey wrench icon go to breakdowns and repairs sun icon go to Tempo Solar product clock icon go to Tempo Happy products 2 hour clock icon go to Tempo Happy 2 Hours product 24 hours icon go to product One Luz number 50 icon go to product Tempo Happy 50 Hours Medium Voltage power line See product catalog with electricity consumption from € 36,000 to € 360,000 / year High Voltage power line See catalog of products with electricity consumption more than € 360,000 / year company icon go to the business segment calendar icon go to product Tempo Happy Day Property management firms icon go to the Property management firms DarkSite icon DarkSite icon light bulb icon See product catalog with electricity consumption less than € 6,000 / year electricity and gas icon go to the Electricity+ Gas Products catalog electricity icon go to the electrical products catalog email icon email contact fax icon fax contact Low Pressure gas icon see catalog of gas products with consumption of less than € 6,000 / year High Pressure gas icon see catalog of gas products with consumption from € 6,000 to € 240,000 / year Medium Pressure gas icon see catalog of gas products with consumption of more than € 240,000 / year gas icon go to gas product catalog Enel icon go to the enel website heater icon heater maintenance service heater maintenance icon go to maintenance service OKGas Heater home icon go to the household segment pressure cooker icon pressure cooker monkey wrench icon go to breakdowns and repairs Medium Voltage power line icon see catalog of electricity products with consumption from € 6,000 to € 36,000 / year moon icon go to product One Night Light sphere icon go to personal website phone icon telephone contact rising sun icon go to Tempo Verde-Renewable Energy product solar panel icon go to photovoltaic solar energy clock icon go to Tempo Happy products black handyman icon with thumb down selected the reaction "I don't like it" little hand icon with thumb down select the reaction "I don't like it" black hand icon with thumb up selected the "like" reaction little hand icon with thumb up select the "like" reaction
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