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30% of total energy consumption in Spain comes from households, as indicated by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) in its latest Energy Guide. This percentage is divided between 18% for housing and 12% for the car. But how can we contribute from our home to reduce this percentage? Good management of air conditioning and lighting in homes is the key to cost reduction and energy efficiency.
Sustainable residential lighting is a growing trend that seeks to provide adequate lighting in homes while minimizing environmental impact and reducing energy consumption. The approach is based on the implementation of technologies and practices that promote energy efficiency and the use of more environmentally friendly light sources.
Alternatives for sustainable development of lighting
The first essential feature for sustainable lighting in homes is to take advantage of natural light whenever possible. Good architectural design can maximize light input, reducing reliance on artificial lighting during the day. Larger windows, skylights or the strategic use of mirrors are essential to achieve a brighter and more viable home in the long term.
The implementation of smart lighting systems also plays a crucial role in residential sustainability. Motion sensors and automation technologies enable lights to turn on and off automatically when needed, avoiding wasted energy. Not only that, but the ability to regulate light intensity provides greater control over energy consumption.
Another of the pillars of proper efficient residential lighting is the adoption of LED (light-emitting diode) technologies. The average lifespan of a traditional incandescent bulb ranges from 750 to 2000 hours. In contrast to this, smart LED lights have an average useful life of 35,000 to 50,000 hours. Although they have a higher initial cost, the need for replacement is much lower, which implies a long-term benefit.
Innovative Technologies in Sustainable Lighting
Although they are less well known, there are more technologies that aim to reduce costs while making the most of light inside the home. Have you ever heard of Li-Fi or biological lighting?
Light Fidelity or Li-Fi is the internet that travels at the speed of light, literally. This technology enables a specific light source to emit pulses of light so that the data can be disseminated. Can you imagine surfing the internet by holding your phone close to a light bulb?
The main objective is that some of the light bulbs in the house can be replaced by others that serve as data transmitters that interconnect the devices in the home. All this without interference and, of course, making the most of the lighting in your home. The promoters of this technology hope that these devices will be adopted by 2025.
Biological lighting is a technique for maintaining natural lighting in your home. It strives to replicate natural patterns of sunlight in order to boost people's health and well-being. It has the ability to regulate the circadian rhythm, increase daytime concentration, and promote more restful sleep at night. This approach is especially important in work and healthcare settings, where lighting quality can significantly influence performance and recovery.
Advantages of sustainable lighting
There are numerous benefits resulting from lighting that is more environmentally friendly, both economically and with regard to people's health.
- It reduces consumption and increases economic savings. Unlike conventional lighting sources that use mercury in their manufacture, sustainable lighting is free of toxic elements that are harmful to the environment. The adoption of LED lighting is presented as the optimal option to reduce energy bills.
- It has greater durability than LED bulbs. Fewer resources are required in manufacturing processes, packaging materials, and transportation.
- Lower climate impact. Because ecological lighting does not have toxic elements, it does not require any special processing at the end of its useful life which makes it an excellent choice to save energy and combat climate change.
Sustainable lighting plays a crucial role in the reduction of the environmental impact, in saving resources and in the energy efficiency of our daily lives.