Always see it in English
Without getting rid of your current car, you can get the zero emissions sticker and drive around your city in an electric car.
All approved, all legal and much easier than you imagine. We explain how it works.
The sustainable reuse of your current car
Having a retrofit is the dream of any person who loves cars and is also committed to using clean energy.
One of the options that currently exist to be more environment-friendly is to opt for electric mobility.
Imagine being able to continue using your petrol or diesel car but making it much less polluting. This practice, which is allowed in Spain, consists of adapting an old vehicle to an electrical system instead of a combustion-based one.
Make your old car electric and sustainable
Retrofitting is a trend full of advantages where tradition meets sustainability, reuse and modernisation.
Also, bear in mind that cities are going to increase restrictions on the most polluting cars.
The objective of a retrofit is to increase the number of electric cars. Motor professionals, students and companies like Endesa come together in their passion for electric mobility.
Are you feeling inspired?
Remember that on our Instagram feed you will find many interesting facts about clean energy, ecological alternatives and tips on how to lead a more sustainable life.
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Because this Valentine's Day, ...
With or without a partner #MiCrushEsElPlaneta