Do you feel that you are part of the impact?
The response to climate change involves everybody. All actions, no matter how small, have an impact. Including any day you take the car. This is why we encourage you to take a step towards sustainable mobility and commit to an electric vehicle as the most obvious solution to reduce emissions from transport, the most polluting sector and responsible for a quarter of all CO2 emissions.
By Elena Bernárdez
There is no doubt that climate change is one of the greatest difficulties we are currently facing. It is also very clear that the pandemic caused by Covid19 also had a profound impact on our company, but at the same time it made us all a little more aware of the impact that we as individuals have on our environment. It made us realize that we are fragile within the ecosystem and that we need to take care of it, but we still need to take one more step towards "environmental awareness" before we can feel that we are all a part of this impact and as individuals there is so much we can do, even though this may seem like just a drop of water in the ocean.
For example, now we have no doubt that we really need to recycle. In fact, in a study entitled "sustainability, environmental commitment and recycling after COVID-19", conducted by Focus for Ecoembes, it appears that since the state of alarm was declared, more than 2.5 million people in Spain (6.7% of the population) stated that they had started to separate waste with a view to recycling, which they had not done prior to the lockdown. More than 95% of those surveyed felt that recycling is important when it comes to fighting climate change. A general awareness that taken us two decades to establish.
And the same needs to happen, if it is not happening already, with electric mobility. People are starting to realize that when they use a vehicle it has quite a negative impact on the atmosphere. A new car which is also one of the most efficient and is nothing like the cars of ten years ago, emits an average of 120 gr of CO2 per km travelled (so we can see that this is easily an average of 1 ton of CO2 emissions per car per year).
So, electric vehicles appear as the obvious solution when it comes to eliminating emissions. With the current energy mix in Spain, they emit less than half (52 gr CO2/km). In other words, if all cars were electric and were recharged directly from the electricity grid, we would already be reducing emissions from cars by 60%. But we are working to develop a totally renewable electricity generation system which would mean zero emissions because the electricity used to charge our vehicles will be clean, and that used to power their engines will be emission free.
According to the Electric Vehicle Outlook 2022 report produced by Bloomberg NEF, it will not be long before we are all driving, or passengers of an electric vehicle. World sales will increase from 6.6 million vehicles in 2021 to 20.6 million in 2025. In Europe, by then electric vehicles are expected to represent 39% of sales for new vehicles. All this means that, by 2025, there will be 77 million passenger vehicles on our roads worldwide.
This is already the trend and it is here to stay. So if people are becoming more and more aware, they are also seeing electric mobility is something positive, but they are still experiencing some discomfort when it comes to taking this important decision to change. Some of these factors are external, but some are internal and can be found within ourselves. This is why we should take into account the role each of us should play in order to become more active in this necessary change. This involves us making sure that when we travel we do it as efficiently and sustainably as possible. That means, carefully studying the route that each of us has to take.
The original barriers have started to fall and will continue to do so. We need to change the way we move around. Here in Endesa X Way, our aim is to be providers, both of energy services and of a secure, safe and reliable recharging infrastructure. So there is no doubt and continue on the road to zero emissions. #Followtheway.