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Futur-e at Compostilla
The Futur-e plan for Compostilla includes an international contest to promote the implementation of new business initiatives in El Bierzo, the development of 625 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy, the organisation of professional training courses for workers in the region and the prioritisation of local labour in the work of dismantling the plant.
The plant
The Compostilla plant is located between the municipalities of Cubillos del Sil and Ponferrada, in León. The installation is being dismantled, a process that will last about 48 months and on which 156 people are currently working, 78% of whom are residents in the region of El Bierzo, because Endesa gave priority to employing local residents.
Futur-e Plan
The Futur-e Plan launched in the area surrounding the Compostilla plant responds to our commitment to fair transition that enables us to make progress in the decarbonisation of the economy following sustainability criteria. The objective is to mitigate the social and economic consequences resulting from the closure of the plant and to create shared value with all local agents.
The plan includes the following actions:
- The development of projects for 625 MW of renewable energy in the area.
- The promotion of training in renewable energies in the surrounding area, as well as in dismantling plants and in sectors with potential for development to improve employability. This training will enable workers in the area to take advantage of the employment opportunities that will arise as a result of the dismantling of the thermal power plant, which will last four years, in the execution of renewable energy projects and in other sectors with future potential that can be developed with new business projects.
- The organisation of a contest to search for projects. Endesa's installations in Compostilla have been out of service since the end of June 2020, and have ideal characteristics for the development of other business projects.
The tender
This international tender for projects seeks to attract economic activity and employment to the area and promote the implementation in the El Bierzo region of companies that will enable the consequences of the shutdown on thermal generation activity to be mitigated. After analysing the proposals submitted, the Assessment Committee governing the contest for initiatives gave its support to seven projects of the eight that had been submitted as binding proposals.
These initiatives will generate 160 jobs, with an investment exceeding €260 million, and are clearly geared towards the circular economy.
The new companies coming to the area feature a wind blade recycling plant, in a partnership between Endesa, Prezero, General Electric and its subsidiary LM Wind Power. This factory will cover a severe shortage that affects the entire Spanish wind sector, where there is a lack of facilities to process the thousands of sets equipment that will be removed in the immediate future. The plant will be able to recycle about 2,000 blades per year.
Cubillos will also be the location for a recycling plant for electric vehicle batteries, in which Endesa will participate with Urbaser through its subsidiary Sertego. It will be the first of its kind in the Iberian Peninsula and will require a complex logistics network. In both cases, construction of the installations is scheduled to begin in 2023.