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Why do "the fuses blow" when I have dinner guests?
Why does the electricity go off if I have the air-conditioning on and use the vacuum cleaner?
Why can't I use the washing machine when there's a cake in the oven?
The answer to these questions is not a poltergeist, it is the electrical power.
What is electrical power?
Electrical power is the number of kilowatts (kW) your home can simultaneously demand from the electricity grid. For example: if you have the electric heating on, then you switch on the washing machine and the oven, your house will be demanding between 5 and 7 kW approximately. If you have contracted less than 5 kW, the chances are you will end up in the dark until you turn off the washing machine, the oven or one of the radiators.
The more power you have, the more electrical appliances you can turn on at the same time. But the more power you have, the more you will pay each month, since your electricity bill is divided into consumption (which you can control by being more efficient) and power (which is a fixed cost and increases according to the kW you contract).
We will help you to choose the most suitable power
With the new power calculator you can adjust the power to your real needs.
What matters is the number of appliances
When contracting electrical power you have to take into account a number of factors, but the most important is the number of electrical appliances that are used on a daily basis.
It really does not matter whether you live in a large or a small house, because you can live in a large house with very few electrical appliances and in a really small house with a lot of them. What makes a difference when it comes to power are aspects such as the heating being electric, for example.
"To know whether you need more or less power, the size of your house does not matter. What matters is how many electrical appliances you need to use at the same time."
Rule Nº 1: more power equals more expense
The higher your power, the higher the fixed amount you will pay each month. That is why reducing power that is unnecessarily high is one of the best chances you have to pay less.
But what power do you currently have contracted? If you are an Endesa customer, you only have to go to your Client Area to find out (you will have to log on and, if you have not already done so, register).
Rule Nº 2: with less power you do not always save more
There is no doubt that by reducing the power you can save: about 50 euros a year for each kW you reduce. But all this saving vanishes if after lowering it you end up falling short. That could leave you without electricity by turning on several electrical appliances at once.
No one wants to live at the extreme of the power when you get a power cut at the PCS every time you go into multitasking mode. For example: you get a power cut if you switch on the oven while the washing machine is running. Falling short of power can be very uncomfortable.
If this were to happen, you would have to ask for an increase in power that would cost you money. A best case scenario would involve you paying about 50 euros to increase the power. In a worst case scenario it would be over 200. Depending on your situation, what you save by decreasing the power could be cancelled out and it could even end up being very expensive.
Rule Nº 3: you can have two different powers
With the new toll regulations in force, you can have two different powers: one for the less cheap hours (between 8am and 12 midnight) and a different one for the cheapest hours (between 12 midnight and 8am, as well as at the weekend and on public holidays).
This is not obligatory. You can have the same power in both time bands. If you decide to make changes, what makes sense is to have a higher power in the cheapest hours and a lower power in the rest of the hours.
What does "more or less cheap hours" mean? That depending on the time band you will pay more or less for each kW of contracted power.
"If you decrease the power too much, the cost of raising it again will eat up all your savings."
Who chooses your power?
You have the last word.
It is the consumer who is responsible for agreeing with the company the power they wish to contract.
You can modify the power according to your needs. So, you decide the power you contract. But as we are telling you, think carefully and do not rush.
- Increasing the power: there is a limit established for safety reasons, since not all electrical installations can support high power. If you need more than your limit allows, you will need to renew the installation.
- Lowering the power: take into account that if you end up short of power you will be the one who will suffer the consequences.
How to calculate the power you need
We will help you to choose the most suitable power
With the new power calculator you can adjust the power to your real needs.
The logic behind choosing your power is simple: you have to calculate the maximum kW that you are going to require from your network at the same time. You need to anticipate what may happen and think about those situations where you are going to have to push your electrical appliances to the limit. Under which circumstances do you turn on a greater number of them at once?
There are some things you can do without and others that you cannot do without. For example: maybe you can wait to put the washing machine on, leave it until everything is calmer. Maybe not. For example: maybe you are too hot in summer and need to turn on three air-conditioning machines and use the cooker at the same time.
The aim is to find the highest number of kW you are going to demand from your electrical installation. When you know that, you know how much power to contract. And always remember: if you overdo it, "you will blow a fuse".
How will you know if you have more power than you need?
To know if you have much more power than you really need there is an easy trick that usually works. Turn on all the electrical appliances in your house. Don't forget each of the air-conditioning machines, the oven and the hob if they are electric, even the vacuum cleaner. If you turn them on one after the other and the Power Control Switch (PCS) does not cut off, you probably have more power than you need.
If this is the case, your electricity bills are unnecessarily high. You are paying for something you never or almost never use, an excess of kW that is reflected every month in what you pay. It is in your interests to reduce the power contracted, but do not rush and think carefully before you do it.
Take advantage to also reduce your consumption
Power is one of the two major items on your bill. The other is consumption, which can vary considerably from month to month depending on the life you lead. Here in Endesa we put the best tariffs at your disposal.
If the power you have (or is suitable for you) is equal to or less than 10 kW, we recommend Tempo Happy, a tariff that enables you to choose 2 hours a day, 1 day a week and during the chosen period to pay zero euros for your electricity consumption.
If the power you have (or is suitable for you) is greater than 10 kW, go to our specialised catalogue.
Don't decide without thinking carefully about it first
Power is the fixed item on your bill, something you are going to pay every month. For precisely this reason, increasing or decreasing it is not a decision to be taken lightly.
Unexpected expenses can come from several sources, including the electrical bulletin or Electrical Installation Certificate (CIE in Spanish). Whenever you modify the power, your distributor may inform you that new need a new bulletin which will cost between 100 and 150 euros approximately.
If you need to increase the power, to these expenses you would have to add about 45 euros for each kW you decide to increase it. If you decrease it, you will get approximately 11 euros no matter how much you decrease it. In addition to all this, your distributor could charge you for other procedures or require a deposit and make it difficult for you if you have already made any other power change during the same year.
For all these reasons, do not be hasty when reducing the power in search of savings. It is absolutely true: the less power you have, the less you will pay. And this item is also one of those that will be most significant in your bill. But it is also absolutely true that if you do not have enough power you will be forced to increase it again. And that process can get complicated and end up being expensive.
"The key to choosing power is to find a balance between saving and your well-being."
Take a minute to find the product that best suits you:
Take a minute to find the product that best suits you:
You don't need to adapt to Endesa's tariffs because they adapt to you. If you go to our catalogue you can compare the different tariffs for yourself. Or if you prefer, you can answer a few questions and we will take care of comparing all the different electricity and gas tariffs and then make a customised recommendation.
Take a minute to find the product that best suits you:
You don't need to adapt to Endesa's tariffs because they adapt to you. If you go to our catalogue you can compare the different tariffs for yourself. Or if you prefer, you can answer a few questions and we will take care of comparing all the different electricity and gas tariffs and then make a customised recommendation.
Comparison of Electricity and Gas Tariffs
You don't need to adapt to Endesa's tariffs because they adapt to you. If you go to our catalogue you can compare the different tariffs for yourself. Or if you prefer, you can answer a few questions and we will take care of comparing all the different electricity and gas tariffs and then make a customised recommendation.
Spend a minute to find the product which best adapts to you:
Spend a minute to find the product which best adapts to you:
Spend a minute to find the product which best adapts to you: