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How to find the best electricity rate?

Are you thinking of changing your electricity rate but you don't know which to choose? There's plenty of fish in the sea—this is what you have to do to find your perfect rate.

Rates are changing. All of them. For your mobile phone, websites and pay TV, for food deliveries, and on and on. You no longer have to adapt to your rates. Now your rates have to adapt to you.

Finding an electricity rate that suits you can be like looking for love. We help you find your perfect energy partner. 

Tariff If you are looking for...
One Luz Fast 100% digital management, the same price all day and with no ties or minimum duration.
One Luz 3 Periodos tariff You can adjust your lifestyle to the hours when it is very cheap. You will be more efficient. You will save.
Happy Stable price and no surprises. And you will have free hours of electricity every day or every week depending on your requirements. 
Única You always pay the same. Peace of mind and much more than just a flat rate.

Resolving preliminary issues

At the beginning of the relationship, everything can go pear-shaped because you don’t know how to answer a series of basic questions:

  • How much power should I have?: in this other post we explain everything you need to know about the power that is best suited to you. From what power you need, to what electrical power really is. All the answers in one place.
  • How many kWh do I usually consume per year?: for example, in Endesa, to find this out you just need to be a customer and sign in on the website. If you have already registered, you only have to access your Private Area with your personal username and password, and check how much you have consumed every year, every month, every day, every hour! We have all the information at your service and we show you the information in an easy, quick and convenient way so that you can understand it and make better decisions.
  • Which tariff do I currently have contracted?: to find this out you just need to understand your electricity bill. Sometimes it can be tricky, but you can find the electricity tariff you pay by going to the customer area. In companies like Endesa, that is where you will find all the information you need and it is completely transparent.

Once you are clear about the type of rate that is most optimal for you, you can start to fall in love. We show you our electricity rates au naturel, without filters and totally adapted to you. Which one is yours?


The most digital romance: One Luz

Don't beat around the bush, you can't stand paperwork and you're as allergic to queues as you are to the music that plays when your call is put on hold. You want things to be simple and quick, very quick. You want it all online.

If you recognise yourself in this description, One Luz is made for you.

It's so cheap that you don't need to get confused calculating discounts. The electricity rate that gets to the point: 100% digital so that you can carry out all your transactions at any time and from anywhere. No more talking to telemarketers, now the world works with just a click.

And you don't have to complicate yourself thinking about the time of day you consume more or less, because the price is always the same.

No catch, no obligation to stay or penalties.

A nightly roll call: One Luz 3 Periodos tariff

You see yourself in the One Luz profile, but there is something unusual about you: You live at night and wake up little by little.

One Luz 3 Periodos tariff is just for you because you can consume more electricity at night when it is cheapest, and then at a moderate price from 8am to 10 am and from 2pm to 6pm.

One Luz 3 Periodos tariff has all the advantages of One Luz, but adds time discrimination.

Love a la carte: Happy

You are clear about how much energy you consume and the time of day you consume it. It’s so clear to you that it bothers you to be forced to conform to a certain time slot. You are you and your circumstances... and if your partner doesn’t understand you, they can go back to where they came from.

Don't worry, the optimal rate in this case is Tempo Happy and it lets you choose between 2 different modes of freedom:

  • Choose 2 hours each day when you will not pay for the energy consumed.
  • Choose 1 day a week when you will not pay for the energy consumed.

In addition, you can change the modes whenever you want, or move those hours (or that day) when your circumstances change. This rate listens to you, understands you and if you do well (20% of your consumption during Happy hours) you will save every day of your life.

And what about the rest of the hours? Are they sad hours when there is no love? Not at all: these hours have less passion, but have a stable price and no surprises.

And just like in any healthy relationship, there are no ties: there is no commitment to stay.

“You should get along with your electricity rate: it’s with you 24 hours, 365 days a year.”

A stable relationship: Única by Endesa

The peace of mind of it being much more than a flat rate (LINK. It is clear that you do not want to tie yourself down to any particular time nor be tied into a never ending relationship. You want stability and security, that's why you choose Única.

With Única by Endesa, you will never have any unexpected surprises and will always pay the same amount. Simple as that.

How do you know if the sea is full of fish? You just need to ask Which do I choose? How much power should I contract? How many kWh do I usually consume per year? It only takes a moment: Which tariff do I currently have contracted? 

We always try to help you choose the electricity tariff that is best for you.








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Comparison of Electricity and Gas Tariffs

You don't need to adapt to Endesa's tariffs because they adapt to you. If you go to our catalogue you can compare the different tariffs for yourself. Or if you prefer, you can answer a few questions and we will take care of comparing all the different electricity and gas tariffs and then make a customised recommendation.

Do you want to see all our offers?

Spend a minute to find the product which best adapts to you:


We are finding the right energy for you...

We are finding the right energy for you...

10% discount on consumption 1 year*
Best online price

One Gas

  • The best price and one of the most competitive rates in the market.
  • You will be able to handle all your administrative tasks by internet in a fast way.
2 months of free electricity consumption*
Dual Rate

One Luz + Gas

  • An electricity and gas tariff to simplify your arrangements and combine your utility services hassle free.
  • The best tariff 100% online.
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go back icon go back in navigation number 50 icon go to product Tempo Happy 50 Horas calendar icon go to product Tempo Happy Día companies icon go to the business segment gas icon go to gas product catalog rising sun icon go to Tempo Verde-Renewable Energy product home icon go to the household segment 24 hours icon go to One Luz product electricity icon go to Luz's product catalog electricity and gas icon go to the Luz + Gas product catalog moon icon go to product One night light monkey wrench icon go to breakdowns and repairs sun icon go to Tempo Solar product clock icon go to Tempo Happy products 2 hour clock icon go to Tempo Happy 2 Hours product 24 hours icon go to product One Luz number 50 icon go to product Tempo Happy 50 Hours Medium Voltage power line See product catalog with electricity consumption from € 36,000 to € 360,000 / year High Voltage power line See catalog of products with electricity consumption more than € 360,000 / year company icon go to the business segment calendar icon go to product Tempo Happy Day Property management firms icon go to the Property management firms DarkSite icon DarkSite icon light bulb icon See product catalog with electricity consumption less than € 6,000 / year electricity and gas icon go to the Electricity+ Gas Products catalog electricity icon go to the electrical products catalog email icon email contact fax icon fax contact Low Pressure gas icon see catalog of gas products with consumption of less than € 6,000 / year High Pressure gas icon see catalog of gas products with consumption from € 6,000 to € 240,000 / year Medium Pressure gas icon see catalog of gas products with consumption of more than € 240,000 / year gas icon go to gas product catalog Enel icon go to the enel website heater icon heater maintenance service heater maintenance icon go to maintenance service OKGas Heater home icon go to the household segment pressure cooker icon pressure cooker monkey wrench icon go to breakdowns and repairs Medium Voltage power line icon see catalog of electricity products with consumption from € 6,000 to € 36,000 / year moon icon go to product One Night Light sphere icon go to personal website phone icon telephone contact rising sun icon go to Tempo Verde-Renewable Energy product solar panel icon go to photovoltaic solar energy clock icon go to Tempo Happy products black handyman icon with thumb down selected the reaction "I don't like it" little hand icon with thumb down select the reaction "I don't like it" black hand icon with thumb up selected the "like" reaction little hand icon with thumb up select the "like" reaction
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