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Electricity meter reading

Find out how to read the electricity meter, we will help you understand the electricity meter reading and make an estimate of how much you have to pay.

How do you read an electricity meter?

The electricity meter provides us with information about our electricity consumption at different times, so we know how consumption varies in certain periods of time. It helps you adjust your consumption and enables our company to invoice you in accordance with your consumption.


How to read the electricity meter.

Nowadays, electricity meters are digital, so the reading procedure has been significantly simplified. In fact, it is no longer necessary for a technician from the distribution company to visit the property and take a manual reading, since readings are now taken remotely.

Another advantage of digital over analogue electricity meters is that they can measure consumption in different time bands, whilst analogue meters were not able to do that. This feature is very useful for those who have contracted tariffs with discrimination by time bands.

There is also less margin for error in digital electricity meters compared to analogue meters, they can be disconnected from the property's network, enable alarms to be scheduled and complex parameters such as averages, maximums, etc. to be visualised.

All these advantages help to achieve efficient energy consumption.

However, it should be emphasised that any manipulation of the digital meter (hacking it with specialised software) or bypassing it, is punishable by law with monetary fines depending on how much is defrauded and the supply may be cut off.

If you have a digital electricity meter and a tariff with a stable price per kWh, below you will find details of how to read the meter yourself: First press the button to read the device (it is usually located on the front or on the side), select code 1.18.1 and the electricity consumed will be displayed (it will be expressed in kWh).

The company responsible for making the reading is your distribution company. This should send the data from the reading to your retailing company, which is responsible for invoicing you for consumption.

How to read a digital electricity meter discrimination by time band.

If you have a tariff with discrimination by time band, the electricity meter reading is different.

For those tariffs with 2 different invoicing periods, you need to press the button on the meter and select the code 1.18.1 that will show the consumption in peak hours. Then, if you select the code 1.18.2 you will see the consumption in off-peak hours. You will see the total consumption if you select the code 1.18.0.

If you have contracted a tariff with discrimination in 3 time bands, you will need to press the button on the device and select the code 1.18.1 to see consumption in peak hours. Next, select the code 1.18.2, to see the consumption in off-peak hours. To see the consumption in standard hours, select the code 1.18.3. Finally, to see total consumption select code 1.18.0.

How to read the digital electricity meter with if you contracted other types of tariff?

If your home has a special tariff because of the volume of consumption or you have a commercial premises, you may have contracted a more complex tariff, which combines different time bands and power terms.

Depending on the model, as you press the button, different values corresponding to each time band will appear on the screen. Those expressed in kWh correspond to active energy (the energy you consume), those that are accompanied by kVarh (kilo volt-ampere reactive hour) indicate reactive energy (the extra energy provided by other elements) and the kW are linked to the maximum power demand.


How to provide an electricity meter reading.

You may suspect that there may have been some kind of incident which prevents your meter from providing your company with accurate information with regard to your consumption. In this case, you can offer to make the reading for your consumption yourself.

To send the reading your electricity meter reading to the distribution company you need to find out which methods have been made available. In the case of Endesa, you can do it through your Client Area. You can also do this by telephone, just call us on the following number: 800 76 09 09.

You will find step-by-step instructions on how to do it here.

What is an estimated electricity meter reading?

When we talk about an estimated electricity meter reading we mean one that involves a calculation and not an exact reading for consumption in a billing period. This was very common when there were still analogue electricity meters: If the technician could not come to the premises to make a reading, the company proceeded to make an estimate based on previous readings. They took into account readings made in the same billing period but from previous years.

If the estimate was higher or lower than the actual reading, the company made an adjustment in the next invoice, adding or subtracting the amount corresponding to the difference in the measurement of consumption from the amount to be paid.

As analogue electricity meters are no longer used, estimated readings are no longer used. Now meters can be read remotely and with maximum accuracy, so only the energy actually consumed will be billed. So you now have much more control of your consumption and you can adapt your lifestyle to save on electricity.








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Comparison of Electricity and Gas Tariffs

You don't need to adapt to Endesa's tariffs because they adapt to you. If you go to our catalogue you can compare the different tariffs for yourself. Or if you prefer, you can answer a few questions and we will take care of comparing all the different electricity and gas tariffs and then make a customised recommendation.

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