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Is it worthwhile buying more efficient domestic appliances?

Even though they tend to be more expensive, in the long run it is worth buying more efficient domestic appliances. In addition to saving energy and money they have many other advantages.

The technological improvements that have affected many areas of our lives can also be seen in all kinds of electrical and domestic appliances.

Not only has the design improved, they are also more functional and easy to use. These improvements have also brought more energy-efficient appliances. In short, they have made our lives easier while helping us save electricity at home.

"It is estimated that, since the energy label was incorporated, more than 50% of household appliances in Spain have been given one of the more efficient ratings."

Advantages when buying a more efficient domestic appliance

1. Washing machines and dishwashers

The main improvement is in the introduction and improvement of ecological programmes, which entail a very important saving in both water and electricity.

These programs are based on low temperatures, from 30º to a maximum of 60º, with which in addition to the savings we get less wear and increase the useful life of the appliance, as well as of the clothes and dishes that we wash in it.

Another change that is leading people to purchase of this type of more efficient appliance is the possibility of adjusting the programmes to variable loads.

Although it is still recommended to use them at full load, variable programmes minimise consumption with reduced loads which is very important for families with few members and those who live alone.

When seeing if it is worthwhile buying a more efficient domestic appliance, we should also mention the improvements in the drying processes. A more efficient spin dryer reduces the need for drying, often avoiding the use of other elements like dryers and it also makes clothes easier to iron.


2. Refrigerators and freezers

It is undoubtedly one of the star domestic appliances where it is more worthwhile to invest in buying a more efficient appliance.

As well as items that combine comfort and savings, such as including LED lights for illumination, there are improvements in two further areas:

  • Anti-frost systems, that prevent the accumulation of frost. The formation of ice in old refrigerators and freezers generated a very significant loss of energy efficiency.
  • More advanced temperature control systems. Now the temperature is controlled by a series of sensors distributed throughout the refrigerator or freezer. The result is a more uniform control of the temperature and it is not simply estimated as happened in the older models. This is how you reduce energy consumption while better preserving food.


3. Screens and TVs

If we said that the fridge was the star of the show, TVs and screens are a close second in terms of energy efficiency.

The generalised use of LED systems in TVs and monitors provides significant savings, especially in screens that are increasingly large and with better resolution.

To maximise this saving there are important additional features like automatic shutdown, smart brightness adjustment and automatic optimisation of resolution depending on the type of image.

Another point to take into account when deciding if it is worth buying a more efficient TV is the improvements in ghost consumption. Many brands are making great improvements in the standby function, so that power consumption is minimal without having to turn off the screen completely.


4. Steam ironing station

Here the availability of space is going to be a key factor if you are opting to buy a more efficient appliance. For example, replacing a normal iron with a steam ironing station greatly improves energy efficiency.

First of all, you will be able to reach the desired temperature in less time, without having to recharge with water continuously. This means that the flow of steam is more constant and this enables better finishes to be achieved and in much less time.

You should not forget that the iron is one of the appliances that involve a greater consumption of electricity, especially if you take into account the time of use. That is why, with a steam ironing station you can make savings of between 40%-50% compared to a traditional iron.


5. Deep-fryer

A deep-fryer is another high-consumption appliance that has also improved significantly and is now a more efficient appliance, with a greatly improved performance.

Oil-free fryers have become an essential product to eat healthier, while making significant economic savings.


6. Induction hobs

Even though induction hobs require a larger initial investment, they also help you to make your kitchen more efficient.

These work by magnetic fields that directly heat the container. Even though they need a specific utensil, it is possible to minimise heat losses and therefore make greater savings in electricity.

The advantage is that they both heat fast and keep the temperature even. They enable you to make significant savings and compared to other ceramic hobs they can make up to a 40% saving in energy efficiency.

If you are thinking of making changes to your kitchen, it is undoubtedly worth buying a more efficient appliance and making a commitment to induction hobs.


7. Extractor fan

This is perhaps the electrical appliance on which we focus the least when talking about energy efficiency. However, the latest improvements provide an important source of savings.

The main advantage comes from the use of motors with much more efficient consumption, and they are also much quieter.

If we add to this the application of LED technology for better lighting in the kitchen area, this is already a strong commitment to buying more efficient appliances and saving every time you cook.

Better and increasingly efficient domestic appliances

The best appliances are the ones that best suit your needs and lifestyle. More and more changes and improvements are being introduced to adapt them to your needs and those of your family.

For a number of years now years, the best appliances have not only been those that have more features or are more powerful. More and more users are demanding appliances that are more efficient and durable.

Most brands have responded to the challenge and strive to apply the latest technological advances so that we can buy increasingly efficient appliances. Not only do we gain in functionalities, but also this enables us to save and make the investment profitable.

Buying more efficient appliances is a commitment not only to reduce consumption and make savings, it is also a commitment to the more sustainable use of energy, to achieving better results, reducing our workload and improving our daily lives.








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