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Digitalisation of our people
The work environment is playing a leading role in the company’s cultural and digital transformation with the adoption of new, innovative tools.
Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable development goals
SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities
The digitalisation process cannot be carried out without the most important part of the company: its workers. To bring about the development of a digital culture in the workplace, it is necessary to make all the necessary technological tools available to them.
To promote creativity and innovation among the workforce using the latest technological advances, we have an Open Power Space. This is a space at our headquarters in Madrid with an open design, in order to enhance collaboration, creativity and the use of new work methodologies. Its main aims are to: reduce the time-to-market of
In this collaborative space, we develop initiatives that bring together the various business lines around certain technologies to provide solutions to new challenges. We held Breakfasts with the CEO and the general managers of all business lines. In addition, we did three presentations on the three pillars on which the Open Power Space is based: technology and innovation, new methodologies and collaborative tools.
Open Power Space has a website that our employees can access to consult the activities and events.
We promote projects to provide employees with greater technological resources. In 2019 the Open Work project was implemented at headquarters to make progress towards a new way of working that improves energy efficiency and facilitates a collaborative environment. At the end of 2022 there were 2,500 people working in this way, which represents 100% of the employees at headquarters.
Employees have also been provided with access to the Tech Bar, personal support through a technician who helps resolves queries or incidents related to corporate technology. This work is complemented with workshops on collaborative working tools and digital routines.
Staff training to develop their technological skills is key when it comes to incorporating new work methodologies. In 2022, digital transformation training amounted to 45,905 hours of training delivered.
Among other programmes that are already established, in 2022 Endesa worked on an "eDNA" pilot scheme for the development of digital skills based on gamification, new ways of collaborating in learning, highlighting the importance of different sources of learning and creating a digital mindset. All this has led to developments in the philosophy of current training and how we understand it.
Collecting, improving, analysing and understanding the how and why of data have become essential to be competitive and continue growing.
Collecting, improving, analysing and understanding the how and why of data have become essential to be competitive and continue growing.
Collecting, improving, analysing and understanding the how and why of data have become essential to be competitive and continue growing.
Aimed at people who require a vision of the digital world at its most technical, taking an in-depth look at digital tools.
Aimed at people who require a vision of the digital world at its most technical, taking an in-depth look at digital tools.
Aimed at people who require a vision of the digital world at its most technical, taking an in-depth look at digital tools.
Initiatives that deal with aspects of digital transformation like tools for Design Thinking, innovation management, business agility, etc.
Initiatives that deal with aspects of digital transformation like tools for Design Thinking, innovation management, business agility, etc.
Initiatives that deal with aspects of digital transformation like tools for Design Thinking, innovation management, business agility, etc.
An online training itinerary with tips on how to make good use of digital tools and promote good practices so as to add new routines every 21 days.
An online training itinerary with tips on how to make good use of digital tools and promote good practices so as to add new routines every 21 days.
An online training itinerary with tips on how to make good use of digital tools and promote good practices so as to add new routines every 21 days.
Empowering people to make better use of the tools in the Microsoft Office suite.
Empowering people to make better use of the tools in the Microsoft Office suite.
Empowering people to make better use of the tools in the Microsoft Office suite.
Having an in-depth knowledge of agile development techniques to bring teams up to a high level of delivery performance.
Having an in-depth knowledge of agile development techniques to bring teams up to a high level of delivery performance.
Having an in-depth knowledge of agile development techniques to bring teams up to a high level of delivery performance.
Webinars and online courses to follow up on people and their training in collaborative digital tools, team management, communication and emotional intelligence.
Webinars and online courses to follow up on people and their training in collaborative digital tools, team management, communication and emotional intelligence.
Webinars and online courses to follow up on people and their training in collaborative digital tools, team management, communication and emotional intelligence.
Leadership and management, time management and emotional management.
Leadership and management, time management and emotional management.
Leadership and management, time management and emotional management.