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Voice virtual assistants are revolutionizing customer service. These include Alexa, developed by Amazon. By activating different skills or functionalities (similar to what apps are for mobiles), it is possible to ask Alexa in a lively voice to put on music, read you a book or tell you what time it will be tomorrow.
With the new Endesa skill, it is now also possible to ask for your power and have personalizedadvice about energy closer than ever, allowing you to save on your bills. All you need is to be an Endesa customer and have one of the different Amazon Echo wireless speaker models.
Completely free of charge, you can ask your questions and have the most details about your energy consumption.
What you can ask Alexa:
- Are you wasting more electricity than the month before? The first step in controlling your consumption is discovering when you're going above it.
- Is my last bill paid?
- Is there a new rate that can be adapted to your consumption profile to help you save?
- And other questions about your Endesa bills and contracts. In addition, we are working to expand the number of topics you will be able ask Alexa about.
Activate the Endesa skill
Alexa's different features are called skills. To activate the Endesa skills, you only have to go to the Alexa skills page.
Connect with endesa clientes
Once activated, you have to connect it to your endesaclientes user name. If you are an Endesa customer but you still have no user name, Sign up here. If you are registered but do not remember your data, you can recover your password or else recover your username.
Ask whatever you want
How much energy did you consume last month? And the previous month? How much is it going to cost you? Alexa has the answers for your questions about electricity and gas. You just have to ask.
Remember that in order to use our Endesa skill, you need to be a customer (either for electricity, gas or maintenance products).
Take a minute to find the product that best suits you:
Take a minute to find the product that best suits you:
Take a minute to find the product that best suits you: