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Always see it in English
A smart meter (or remote management meter) is a type of electricity measurement equipment whose main function is to record actual electricity consumption readings. The big difference with a traditional meter is that the smart meter is a device that allows you to control all the information regarding consumption for any time range, automatically and remotely.
In other words, users have full control over their energy expenditure, and these meters also minimise all possible annoyances and errors that may occur when making a traditional measurement (having to consult the meter, send the reading correctly, etc.).
This means that you, as a customer, can forget about sending in your readings (the smart meter does it automatically) and it also allows you to consult your consumption in detail, by the hour, and as a result, adjust it to save as much energy as possible.
In addition, these devices collect much more information and can also show other interesting information. For example, you can see the power rating that you have contracted with Endesa, your real instantaneous consumption or the reactive energy.
They also allow various procedures to be carried out quickly, such as registering or cancelling a connection, managing cut-offs and reconnections, controlling your power rating or changing the rates that apply.
Your electricity bill will change forever thanks to technology. New smart meters have arrived so that you can have total control over your power.
These new meters will accurately read your usage, hour by hour and day by day and automatically send us all the data.
Once you have a smart meter, nobody will have to go to your home every certain time. You will not have to send us your reading. Once you have a smart meter, your bills will be completely accurate and based only and solely on actual usage.
In Spain, smart meters began to be installed in 2010. It is expected that most households will have a smart meter before 2019.
Problem-solving will be faster: It will be easier to identify any supply problems and the power cut will be shorter.
Adjusting the power supply will be easier: If you want to increase or decrease your power supply, a technician will not have to go to your home. This will be done remotely.
You will say goodbye to the estimated readings: They will all be actual usage.
The smart meters cannot be manipulated: They are constantly monitored and cannot be tampered with.
You will receive a letter informing you of the date on which the new meter will be installed. Your power will be briefly cut during the installation. Once this has been completed, you will receive a confirmation letter.
No matter how smart your meter is, if you want to take full advantage of it, it should be integrated into the telemetering system. Once this happens, you will notice it on your bills, which will then be based only and solely on your actual usage, hour by hour and day by day.
When your smart meter starts working and sends the data to your bills, all you have to do is go digital and take control of your electricity usage. You will know how much you spend at any time. You will receive the bills before they are charged to your bank account and you will be able to set up alerts to warn you when you exceed your spending limit.
“Remember that the installation is free of charge. You will not have to pay anything to the person who replaces your old meter.”