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Ethical Behaviour
Endesa is fully committed to complying with ethical principles and all current legislation and regulations in relations with its stakeholders, and in all the activities it carries out.
The company has a criminal compliance and anti-bribery system certified by AENOR according to UNE 19601 (Sistemas de gestión de Compliance Penal) and UNE-ISO 37001 (Sistemas de gestión antisoborno) standards, that is intended to prevent crimes from being committed within the company, in accordance with the provisions of the Spanish Penal Code on criminal liability of legal persons. This system integrates the Criminal Risk and Anti-Bribery Prevention Model, as well as a Code of Ethics, a Zero Tolerance Plan Against Corruption, and other regulations in accordance with the most advanced compliance models, which include the values, commitments and ethical responsibilities assumed by all its collaborators. In addition, among other aspects, Endesa has established specific action protocols in order to guide the actions of its collaborators in relation to accepting and offering gifts and hospitality, as well as in dealing with public officials and authorities.
Endesa manages relations with the institutions according to the principles established in the regulatory provisions and its Code of Ethics, providing its vision or positioning and offering comprehensive, transparent information for making the most appropriate decisions.
In this regard, particularly and as established in its Code of Ethics: “Endesa does not finance parties, their representatives or candidates in Spain or abroad, nor does it sponsor congresses or parties whose sole purpose is political propaganda. It does not exert any type of direct or indirect pressure on political exponents (for example, through public concessions to Endesa, acceptance of suggestions for hiring, consultancy contracts, etc.)”. Endesa participates in business and employers’ associations which, among other things, represent their members in public regulatory processes and, in general, within the framework of the consultation processes of energy and business policy initiatives developed by public institutions. In 2019, annual contributions paid to the organisations referred to in the form of membership fees totalled Euros 3.09 million. In particular, the three most important contributions corresponded to “Association of Electric Power Companies- AELEC” (Euros 1.97 million), “Nuclear Forum” (Euros 0.28 million) and “Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations - CEOE” (Euros 0.21 million).
The institutional dialogue with the business and employer associations in which Endesa participated in 2019 focused on supporting the consultation and regulatory development processes in the following areas:
- Policy development: aimed at promoting a sustainable energy model, including, among other topics, energy efficiency, the growth of renewable energy, the development of smart grids and digitisation. The contribution in 2019 was Euros 2.65 million.
- Business regulation: related to increasing business competitiveness, including, among other topics, industrial legislation, tax regulation and labour law issues. The contribution in 2019 was Euros 0.45 million. The following table shows the amounts by type of contribution made between 2016 and 2019.
2016 |
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
Lobbying, interest representation or similar |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Political parties or political associations |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Business and employers associations |
4.00 |
3.71 |
3.44 |
3.09 |
Other |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
4.00 |
3.71 |
3.44 |
3.09 |
In Europe, the supervision of this type of activities is carried out through voluntary registration on the platform created for this purpose by the European Commission - (http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister), with which Endesa has been registered since 2011. The registry aims to provide citizens with a single, direct point of access to information about who carries out activities aimed at influencing the EU decision-making process, the interests pursued and the resources invested in these activities.
Endesa s’est totalement engagée à respecter les principes éthiques et toute la législation et réglementation en vigueur dans ses rapports avec les groupes d’intérêt et dans les activités qu’elle développe.
La Société dispose d’un système de conformité pénale et anticorruption certifié par AENOR selon les standards UNE 19601 (Système de gestion de Compliance Pénal) et UNE-ISO 37001 (Système de gestion anticorruption), dont le but est d’éviter la commission potentielle de délits au sein de l’entreprise, conformément à ce qui est établi dans le Code Pénal espagnol en matière de responsabilité pénale des personnes juridiques. Ce système se compose du Modèle de Prévention de Risques Pénales et anticorruption, ainsi que d’un Code Éthique, d’un Plan de Tolérance Zéro avec la Corruption et d’autres normes selon les modèles de “compliance” les plus avancés, recueillant les valeurs, engagements et responsabilités éthiques acceptés par tous ses collaborateurs. Par ailleurs, Endesa a établi des protocoles d’exécution concrets afin d’orienter les actions de ses collaborateurs, en rapport avec l’acceptation et l’offre de cadeaux et faveurs, ainsi qu’aux relations avec les fonctionnaires publiques et autorités.
Endesa dispose d’un Canal Éthique afin de pouvoir communiquer, de manière sécurisée et anonyme, les comportements irréguliers ou inappropriés qui pourraient se produire au cours du développement de l’activité de la Société.
Endesa è totalmente impegnata con l’adempimento dei principi etici e della legislazione e normativa vigente nelle relazioni con i sui gruppi d’interesse e in tutte le attività che sviluppa.
La impresa dispone di un sistema di adempimento penale e anticorruzione, certificato da AENOR conforme agli standard UNE 19601 (Sistemi di gestione di Compliance Penale) e UNE-ISO 37001 (Sistemi di gestione anticorruzione), il cui obbiettivo è prevenire la commissione potenziale di delitti dentro l’impresa, in conformità di quello che sta stabilito nel Codice Penale spagnolo in materia di responsabilità penale delle persone giuridiche. Questo sistema integra il Modello di Prevenzione dei Rischi Penali e anticorruzione, un Codice Etico, un Piano di Tolleranza Zero con la Corruzione, e altre norme in conformità dei modelli di “compliance” più avanzati, che racchiudono i valori, impegni e responsabilità etiche assunte da tutti i sui collaboratori. Addirittura, fra altri aspetti, Endesa a stabilito dei protocolli di attuazione specifici per orientare le azioni dei sui collaboratori per quanto riguarda la accettazione e offerta di regali e attenzioni, e i rapporti con i funzionari pubblici e autorità.
Endesa dispone di un Canale Etico per comunicare in modo sicuro e anonimo, i comportamenti irregolari o poco adeguati che possano accadere nello sviluppo delle attività aziendali.
Endesa está totalmente comprometida com o cumprimento dos princípios éticos e toda a legislação e regulação vigentes nas relações com seus grupos de interesse, e em todas as atividades que realiza/desenvolve.
A empresa possui um sistema de conformidade penal e anti suborno, certificado por AENOR em conformidade com as normas UNE 19601 (Sistemas de gestão de Compliance Penal) e UNE-ISO 37001 (Sistemas de gestão anti suborno, cujo objetivo é impedir a prática de crimes dentro da empresa, de acordo com as disposições do Código Penal espanhol sobre responsabilidade penal de pessoas jurídicas. Este sistema integra o Modelo de Prevenção de Riscos Penais e anti suborno, bem como um Código Ético, um Plano de Tolerância Zero com Corrupção e outras normas de acordo com os modelos de “compliance” mais avançados, que incluem os valores, compromissos e responsabilidades éticas assumidas por todos os seus colaboradores. Além disso, dentre outros aspectos, Endesa estabeleceu protocolos de atuação específicos para orientar as ações de seus colaboradores em relação à aceitação e oferecimento de presentes e obsequios, bem como o tratamento com funcionários públicos e autoridades.
Endesa possui um Canal Ético para que possam comunicar, de forma segura e anônima, sobre condutas irregulares ou inadequadas que possam ocorrer no desenvolvimento da atividade da empresa.