Manifesto for decarbonisation
The energy transition towards more sustainable and efficient energy production involves much more than abandoning coal-fired generation. We will explain how the Enel Group is leading development towards a sustainable energy model by investing in digitalisation, smart grids and renewable energies.
1. Energy transition and decarbonisation
The Enel Group is undertaking energy transition towards a sustainable model. Countries around the world are developing individual plans with measures that have an impact on energy and climate. Most envisage substantially phasing out coal-fired power generation in the 2025-2030 period, with a transition to renewable sources. There are a number of flexible solutions to ensure the sustainability of different electricity systems (such as storage and gas). This is also linked to the commitments made by a number of countries at COP21 to reduce CO2 emissions.
The Enel Group is playing a leading role in energy transition. It has established a carbon-free emissions target for this year and is investing in technologies, digitalisation, smart grids, and renewable sources.
2. Fair transition
It is essential to ensure that transition is fair and beneficial. Enel believes that energy transition is essential for the future of the planet, but to create value it also needs to be fair, sustainable and inclusive. It is essential to distribute the costs of energy transition equally and to share the benefits. It should be accompanied by other wide-ranging measures focussing on climate, energy, environmental, industrial and social aspects.
Energy transition is a great opportunity and will both create jobs and new professional profiles as a result of long-term investments.
3. A global approach
As a global leader in the energy sector, the Enel Group is a benchmark for guiding energy transition. The company is implementing its decarbonisation strategy in a number of countries, and its global experience ensures that it will be able to help test, improve and define what are the best practices to achieve a more sustainable world.
4. Energy conversion
Our plans are to give a new life to the plants that are out of service, based on circular economy principles. These also offer an opportunity to assess the value of replacing thermal power plants through a new process that is both hybrid and increasingly renewable. This is in line with our target for carbon-free emissions by 2050.
5. Circular economy
A new design paradigm with new solutions. In accordance with circular economy and sustainability principles, the development of new production capacity will be based on the re-use of current plants where there are already spaces, infrastructures and connections. It will also attract investment to the areas where the plants that are taken out of service are located. With this in mind, Enel is constantly making general organic analyses of all its thermoelectric plants.
6. Involving local stakeholders
An ongoing dialogue with local communities. The process is undertaken in conjunction with local institutions and communities. This in to ensure that the transformation of the area becomes an opportunity for new development, with complementary innovatory and sustainable projects.