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- Cáritas, Fundación Altius and Fundación iHelp have helped to distribute and deliver the healthcare products and protective equipment that this aid has bought.
- Total donations amount to €400,000.
- These actions are part of the Public Responsibility Plan endowed with €25 million which Endesa has launched to provide material, aid, services, equipment and infrastructure in the fight against Covid-19.
Under the Public Responsibility Plan launched by Endesa to address COVID-19, the company and its Foundation have joined forces to meet the needs of two of the worst-affected groups of people during this crisis: the elderly, particularly those living in care homes, and the homeless.
One of the initiatives was a donation to Cáritas of almost €250,000 by the Endesa Foundation . A portion of this aid has been allocated to alleviate the consequences of the crisis in nursing homes and also to the domiciliary care programme for elderly people, who are being severely affected by the impact of this crisis given their greater vulnerability to infection and the psychological effects of social and family isolation measures.
These funds will go to nine nursing homes and three domiciliary care and support programmes which have suffered greatly from the effects of COVID, serving 900 elderly people: 142 in Andalusian centres, 130 in Galicia, 68 in Aragon and 560 in Castile and León.
Centres that assist homeless people managed by Cáritas are in a similar situation, which is why they too will receive a share of the allocated money to cover the needs of around 425 homeless people at nine shelters and day centres in provinces of Andalusia, Madrid, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands.
Adding to the €250,000 donated by the Endesa Foundation to Cáritas are another €100,000 that the company had already donated to cover the health needs of people in vulnerable situations.
In addition, Endesa and its Foundation have donated 66,000 FFP2 masks worth a further €100,000 to nursing homes and day centres through Cáritas and the Altius Foundation. These masks have been distributed in Madrid, Catalonia, Aragon and the Balearic Islands.
The Altius Foundation, for instance, delivered masks to 58 nursing homes in the Madrid region, each of which are staffed by an average of 100 employees providing care for around 120 senior citizens. That means that almost 13,000 elderly people and carers have been equipped with protective gear during these terribly difficult times thanks to this initiative.
All this comes in addition to Endesa's support for the iHelp Foundation's “Juntos Salimos” (Together We Will Pull Through) project, which is fighting to protect healthcare workers and nursing homes in the battle against COVID 19 infection, and has now received a donation of 10,000 FFP2 masks.
Endesa has also donated €31,250 to this project to purchase protective equipment, such as contactless forehead thermometers and pulse oximeters, as well as other items for use by healthcare personnel and residents in nursing homes. This equipment has been delivered to 14 hospitals and 59 nursing homes, mainly in the Community of Madrid, where this crisis has hit particularly hard.