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We are a significant reference in this field with three main areas of action: Leadership in the development of innovative financial instruments, diversification of the portfolio of sustainable financial products and active work in the dissemination of sustainable finance among the different stakeholders.
Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals
ODS 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
ODS 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
ODS 11: Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles
ODS 13: Climate Action
Our approach to energy transition is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs"), whether through direct or indirect means. In this way, 90% of the investment outlined in the strategic plan supports SDG 13 (Climate Action), which also includes SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).
In 2023, the amount formalised in sustainability-related operations reached 19.325 billion euros, maintaining its position in sustainable finance and setting new milestones in this field, including:
Endesa's gross financial debt with sustainable incentives as a percentage of total gross financial debt increased to 67% by the end of the 2023 fiscal year. The new Strategic Plan 2024-2026 sets this objective as 80% by the end of 2026.