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Conservation of biodiversity
Protecting biodiversity, natural capital and ecosystems is integrated into our business strategy.
Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals
SDG 14: Life below water
SDG 15: Life of terrestrial ecosystems
At Endesa, we recognise the significance of properly implementing the mitigation hierarchy to prevent, minimise, and restore the impact of our industrial activities on the surrounding territory. This is why the protection and enhancement of biodiversity and natural capital are key components of our business strategy, influencing decision-making for new projects and the management of current assets.
We gear all our activity in Mainland Spain towards the following goals:
In recent years, nature has acquired a far more significant role in the agendas of governments, the financial sector, and the business world.
The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework was a historic milestone. An initial quantified global target has been set to reverse biodiversity loss, the means of implementation to achieve it, and the national monitoring framework now include specific obligations for the business sector.
A failure to properly consider the increasing risks arising from the relationship that our economic system has with nature, whether due to our system's dependence on natural capital or the risks of transition driven by our impacts, has led to the development of a wide range of regulatory and market initiatives. These initiatives are changing corporate behaviours in all areas related to biodiversity and natural capital in general.
The aforementioned need for increased business ambition, coupled with the removal of subsidies for actions harmful to nature and green financing, is driving a shift towards positive biodiversity.
The European Commission has introduced a groundbreaking and innovative legislative package that focuses not only on companies' direct operations but also on their supply chains.
At the same time, the financial sector has been driving the transformation by increasing the demand for information related to environmental performance, including aspects related to nature.
In response to this new reality, Endesa's response has been to increase its commitment, improve its performance, and the continuous review and adaptation of the biodiversity indicators system to progressively adapt to new reporting requirements in the field.
To achieve this, and in the absence of a standardised and consolidated framework, we rely on numerous reference initiatives, especially the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures(TNFD) , supported by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which provides us for the first time with a set of recommendations to guide the necessary global transformation that will allow us to "live in harmony with nature by 2050".
At Endesa, we are dedicated to responsible and sustainable management that takes the impact on nature into consideration. The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) is essential in this process as it provides a framework for reporting and addressing nature-related risks and opportunities. We are aligned with recognised standards such as GRI, SASB, CDSB, and ESRS to ensure transparency and consistency in our reporting.
The TNFD's recommendations focus on four key areas: governance, strategy, risk management and impacts, and metrics and objectives. It includes disclosing organisational governance, outlining our nature-focused financial strategies, detailing risk identification and management procedures, and sharing key metrics and goals.
Since 2019, our organisation has been examining the effects and connections of our operations on the environment by utilising the Working Group on Natural Capital and Energy (GTCNSE). We released the Guide "Natural Capital and the Spanish Energy Sector," which explores the relationship between natural capital and the energy industry in Spain. This guide presents a methodology for assessing impacts and dependencies, with a qualitative matrix available at https://capital-natural.es/. During the 2023-2024 period, we are reviewing this matrix, incorporating recommendations from the TNFD, and developing an interoperability framework.
In 2023, we launched the NATIVE I project to analyse the impact of renewable technologies and the distribution business on natural capital. Based on our findings, we are implementing the NATIVE II project in 2024 to align our performance with the TNFD's "LEAP" methodological approach, which addresses localisation, assessment, auditing, and readiness. Our efforts reflect our commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation in the Spanish energy sector.
Furthermore, we are developing a comprehensive corporate strategy on nature and biodiversity to manage risks and maximise opportunities. We pledge to achieve corporate objectives aligned with environmental sustainability. With a solid methodological approach and a 360º vision, we will lead the transition towards a future where sustainability and respect for nature are paramount.
The Biodiversity Conservation Plan is an integral part of our Biodiversity Policy, and one of its most relevant and distinctive aspects, as all actions included in it are carried out completely voluntarily, far exceeding mere mandatory environmental requirements.
The main lines of action of our Plan are:
The Biodiversity Conservation Plan has concluded 2023 with a total of 39 operational measures.
Locate each project by finding its number on the map.
1. Recovery measures for populations of the lesser kestrel in Malaga with reintroduction and follow-up techniques. (Since 2019). Reintroduction of populations of the lesser kestrel and recovery of the population through stable colonies. Collaboration in the recovery of the lesser kestrel in Spain. (Andalusia)
2. Recovery measures for populations of the lesser kestrel in Aragon with reintroduction and follow-up techniques. (Since 2019). Reintroduction of populations of the lesser kestrel and recovery of the population through stable colonies. Collaboration in the recovery of the lesser kestrel in Spain. (Aragon)
3. Rescuing birds that have collided or have been electrocuted using laser technology. (Since 2017). The use of laser therapy technology at the Vallcalent Wildlife Recovery Centre for the treatment of birds which have been electrocuted by and collided with power lines. Collaboration with the government to rescue bird life. (Catalonia).
4. Development and application of prioritisation models to protect bird life against power line collisions and electrocutions. (Since 2021). Ongoing research project conducted by the CSIC, aimed at developing a prioritisation model for protection actions to enhance currently available solutions in the market. (Madrid)
5. Osprey Bay of Cádiz (Since 2018). The species is reintroduced in the Bay of Cádiz and the reservoirs of Bornos and Arcos de la Frontera in collaboration with the Migres Foundation, aiming to reach a total of 100 pairs by 2025. Endesa collaborates in the recovery of the Osprey in Cádiz, where it is extinct. (Andalusia)
6. PAS. Supplementary feeding points for the black vulture and other large birds raptors in the Pyrenees. (Since 2013). Supporting the reintroduced population of black vultures in the Pyrenees, as well as other threatened large raptors such as the bearded vulture and the Egyptian vulture. Collaborating in the recovery of large scavenging birds in the territories where Endesa is present (Aragon and Catalonia)
7. Identification of juvenile dispersal and connectivity of black vultures in the Tejo Natural Park. (Since 2018). Collaboration in the recovery of large necrophagous birds in territories where Endesa is present. (Portugal, Extremadura, Castile and León, and Catalonia)
8. Conservation strategies for the European roller in protected natural areas of Ampurdán. (Since 2016). Assistance to the nesting population of European roller by installing specific nest boxes in the Aiguamolls de l'Empordà Natural Park and Montgrí, Illes Medes i Baix Ter Natural Park (Girona). Greater understanding of the ecological needs of the species and the condition of the mentioned population. Renew and draw attention to the efforts Endesa has been making for 15 years in favour of the species. Collaboration in the recovery of emblematic species in areas of special interest. (Catalonia).
9. Protection and conservation of the Western capercaillie in the Pyrenees. (Since 2021). The "Perifer" project aims to conserve and protect the Capercaillie in the Pyrenees by adapting Endesa's power lines and implementing additional conservation actions in the species' habitat areas. Collaboration with local conservation entities is crucial for the protection of this species, which is highly sensitive to human activity. (Catalonia).
10. Conservation measures for the Eurasian eagle-owl in the surroundings of the Endesa distribution lines (Since 2021). Monitoring and study of habitats and habits of the species by marking and GPS tracking of individuals to reduce unnatural mortality. (Catalonia).
11. LIFE Eurokite project. (Since 2020). Project for the reintroduction of the red kite in Huelva and Badajoz for coordinated conservation of the species through a European LIFE project. Conservation of the red kite on the Iberian Peninsula. (Andalusia and Extremadura)
12. Study of steppe species, the little bustard in the area around Campillos Málaga (Since 2022). Behavioural analysis, threat identification, use of space and monitoring of individuals (Andalusia).
13. Protecting steppe birds in the La Serena region (Badajoz): "little bustard, great bustard, and sandgrouse (Extremadura)
14. Monitoring and tracking of the Montagu's Harrier. Conservation project for the Montagu's Harrier population at Endesa Solar facilities. (Extremadura, Andalusia and Aragon)
15. Waste Management in El Espinar (Segovia). Management project for the conservation and protection of scavenger birds and large raptors in El Espinar (Castilla y León).
15. Study of anti-proliferation methods of macrophytes in the Flix-Ascó stretch of the Ebro River. (Since 2015). Study of the characteristics, distribution and limiting factors of macrophytes in the Flix-Ascó section, as well as its hydromorphological characteristics in order to find a solution to the excessive proliferation of macrophytes in that section. Studies on the eradication of invasive species in aquatic environments. (Catalonia)
16. Hydrodynamic study and study of the quality of shellfish banks in the area of the Pontedeume estuary (Since 2022). Study of the characteristics of sediments in the estuary and the factors causing changes in shellfish banks in the area.
17. Study of the functions of Endesa's reservoirs as wetlands of environmental and natural importance. (Since 2022)
16. Hydrodynamic study and study of the quality of shellfish banks in the area of the Pontedeume estuary (Since 2022). Study of the characteristics of sediments in the estuary and the factors causing changes in shellfish banks in the area. (Galicia).
17. Study of the functions of Endesa's reservoirs as wetlands of environmental and natural importance. (Since 2022) (Andalusia, Extremadura, Aragón and Galicia).
18. Enrichment of biodiversity in bear areas in the Lleida Pyrenees regions within the Piroslife project. (Since 2016). Promoting conservation of the brown bear. Habitat improvement to favour the status of the reintroduced population of brown bears in the Lleida Pyrenees and compatibility with human activities in the area. Collaboration with the reintroduction of the brown bear in the Pyrenees, learning cohabitation. Search for company & biodiversity synergies (Catalonia)
19. Study of the trophic cascade effect on forest ecosystems. (Since 2015). Removal of invasive tree species and restoration with native species in the Boumort Nature Reserve and follow up on the resulting trophic effect. Study and research on biodiversity in protected natural areas (Catalonia)
20. Recovery of the Hermann's tortoise. (Since 2015). Improvement of the conservation status of the Hermann's tortoise, a species listed as in danger of extinction (peninsular populations) in the Spanish National Catalogue of Endangered Species, and whose only natural populations on the entire Iberian Peninsula are found in Catalonia. Collaboration in the recovery of extinct species of great importance in areas where Endesa is present (Catalonia)
21. Endesabats.. Protection and Conservation of bats in Endesa's hydraulic caverns and solar photovoltaic plants. (Since 2013). Improve knowledge and conservation of cave bats, their ecological requirements and their relation to Endesa's plant operations. To value the importance of this infrastructure to the endangered chiroptera species, and propose management measures for their conservation and presence at this type of facility. Knowledge, protection and conservation of the endangered chiroptera species thanks to Endesa's hydraulic infrastructure. (Catalonia, Andalusia Extremadura and the north east)
22. Improve Biodiversity in Solar facilities. Implementation of green screens, enhancement and landscape integration, restoration of ponds, incorporation of feeding stations, agri-environmental measures for the preservation of steppe birds, and more. (Andalusia).
23. Development of the National Inventory of Damage to Holm Oaks and Cork Oaks by "Drought" Syndrome. (Since 2021). National inventory of forest areas of the genus “Quercus” in Spain affected by this disease to be used for research and eradication. Collaboration with research institutions to tackle this disease which is devastating the Iberian Peninsula's meadows. (Spain).
24, 25, 26, 27. "Endesa Forest" initiative (La Atalaya, Madrid, since 2016; Teruel, since 2021; Doñana, since 2019 and Baleares, since 2021). Reforestation of burned lands through direct seeding and planting of native tree species, followed by registration with the Spanish Climate Change Office (OECC) of the MITERD, as a CO₂ sequestering project, offering direct and tangible returns in the form of carbon credits. The initiative is an example of sustainability as it contributes to both the mitigation and adaptation to Climate Change, the restoration of natural capital in a fire-ravaged environment, and the social and economic development of the rural areas where it takes place.
28. Environmental improvements in renewable solar facilities. Endesa's solar facilities will undergo an environmental improvement project, including the installation of water troughs, nesting boxes, and various habitat enhancements. (Castilla La Mancha)
29. Agro-environmental strategies to protect steppe birds, including the establishment of ecological corridors within solar renewable energy installations. (Spain)
30. Insect hotel, Rincón de la Abeja (Bees' Corner). Recovery of pollinating insects in solar renewable facilities through the creation of suitable habitats and optimal development environments. (Castilla la Mancha and Andalucía)
31. Study of ecological assets in right-of-ways under electricity lines. (Since 2017). Integral methodology that enables simultaneously addressing a series of actions and basic requirements for the industrialised inspection of the Endesa electricity distribution network to appraise the value of the ecological assets under the network, providing operational solutions to management needs. Research on the effect of Endesa's large-scale infrastructure on biodiversity, demonstrating positive externalities for biodiversity, such as the existence of large clearings in the right-of-ways for the distribution of electricity. (Catalonia).
32. Design and implement a Biodiversity indicator system. (Since 2016). Create and test a system of indicators of effects on Biodiversity, adapted to the activity and presence of Endesa in Spain. Investigation into the level of interaction of Endesa's activities and its facilities with the surrounding biodiversity. (Madrid)
33. Bioreturn-Vive-Native. Evaluation of Endesa's Biodiversity shares in relation to ecosystem services. (Since 2020). Enhancing the company's efforts in biodiversity and promoting its dissemination and communication. Endesa's Biodiversity Strategy Development and Baseline Calculation in Pilot Projects for Various Technologies. (Madrid)
34. Study of Biodiversity and renewable facilities. (Since 2021). Research project into the development of renewable infrastructure with the biodiversity existing in the vicinity of these Endesa plants. (Madrid)
35. The "Wind Energy Birds and Bats" project aims to prevent bird and bat collisions with wind turbines in wind farms (Spain).
36. Improvement of biodiversity through the adaptation of anti-climbing structures in Medium Voltage power lines in the Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche Natural Park (Huelva). Adaptation of anti-climbing structures as shelters for bats and nocturnal birds of prey. Study and monitoring of the habitat created in these adapted structures as shelters. (Andalusia)
37. Working group on the impact on Biodiversity and Natural Capital of the Energy Sector. (Spain)
38. Use of specialised, specifically trained dogs to locate bats in renewable facilities. (Spain)
39. Mammal photo trapping in wind farms for habitat and adaptation studies. (Spain)
Endesa has developed a project to assess the potential impact of its assets on biodiversity, with KPIs specifically defined to measure the impact. This will allow us to take specific actions to make progress towards the non-net loss of biodiversity.
The table below shows the periodic assessments of the areas occupied by operational activities undertaken by our company and the implementation of biodiversity management plans to protect and restore habitats.
Number of sites |
Surface (Hectares) |
Number of sites and total area occupied by operational activities.
332 |
7.969,92 |
Sites where biodiversity impact assessments have been carried out in the last five years. |
332 |
7.969,92 | |
Biodiversity impact assessment sites in close proximity to critical biodiversity, and the total area of these sites. |
72 | 1.348,72 | |
Management plans
Sites with an impact assessment on biodiversity and located very close to critical areas that have a biodiversity management plan, and the total of these sites. |
72 | 1.348,72 |
The figures shown above take into account all Endesa's electricity generation plants and substations; the distribution network and sub-stations were not taken into account. The area occupied by reservoirs that have existed for 10 years or more were not included in the calculation. These data were obtained from Endesa's Biodiversity Indicators System.
Considered a distance to RN2000 equal to or less than 1 km.