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This summer, do some sightseeing and learn about energy

From Asturias to Larderello, here you will find 5 amazing places that you can visit and learn about energy. Energy tourism is all the rage, would you like to try it?

Holidays are an essential time to disconnect, enjoy yourself and discover new places. But did you know that you can do all that while learning more about the energy that makes the world go round?

Start our energy tourism trip by making stops in 5 amazing places full of nature and with delicious gastronomy. We will travel through Asturias, Ponferrada, Girona, Seira and Italy to visit and learn how a water mill works, what the first thermal and hydroelectric power plants were like and how a geothermal plant works.

Let's get started!


5 Places where you can enjoy energy tourism

1. Os Teixois Ethnographic Complex, Taramundi, Asturias

Would you like to know what life was like before the arrival of electricity in the towns and cities in Spain? You can learn about this first hand at the Os Teixois Ethnographic Complex, in Taramundi, Asturias.

It is a very well preserved and restored village that includes an elaborate system of hydraulic mills in their original state.

An essential place to learn how energy from nature was used before the arrival of electricity. There was a hydraulic system that powered mallets, water mills, knife-sharpeners and even a small electricity generator and a fulling mill.

As if that were not enough, this complex was declared an Asset of Cultural Interest because its historical and ethnographic value, with the category of Historic Complex.

As well as energy tourism and Spanish history, its location between mountains makes it an extraordinary scenario with unique landscapes that you really shouldn't miss.


2. The Electricity Plant, the Energy Museum in Ponferrada

In Ponferrada (León) you find another essential venue where you can enjoy energy tourism. There you will find a jewel of a museum where you can learn about energy, developments in it generation and its influence on society in centuries gone by.

The "Fábrica de la Luz" is the old thermal power plant for the Minero Siderúrgica de Ponferrada (iron and steel works) which was in operation between 1920 and 1971. It has now been restored as a museum, and inside there has been an exquisite recovery of industrial processes, what life was like for workers and the importance of coal in energy production until just a few decades ago.

The tour can be extended with a visit to Las Médulas, Asset of Cultural Interest, UNESCO World Heritage Site and Natural Monument.

The "Fábrica de la Luz" is one of the most interesting museums in Spain and a key component in any energy tourism circuit. Located in a region where interior and gastronomic tourism is expanding, this museum holds the Europa Nostra award and was nominated for the best European museum in the EMYA (European Museum of the Year Awards).

3. The "Electricitat de Figueres" Museum

The "Electricitat de Figueres" Museum (Girona) offers a tour of the region via the arrival of electricity, how it changed the lives of the inhabitants who began to use it, how it was first used and the investments made to improve how it was generated and transported.

One of the most outstanding exhibits is an original hydroelectric power generator that was originally in the Vilallonga de Ter Hydroelectric Power Station. For those interested in energy tourism it is a great opportunity to visit a museum with a catalogue of up to 500 pieces and instruments.

Neither should you forget that Figueres has extraordinary landscapes and interesting cultural features to enjoy during your visit.

This museum currently belongs to the Endesa Foundation and aims to demonstrate the importance of energy for society. Different cultural and educational activities take place in this magnificent museum located in one of the most beautiful regions in Spain.


4. Seira Electricity Museum

The next stop on our trip through the main venues for energy tourism takes us to Seira (Huesca). A small town located in the Pyrenean region of Ribagorza.

On the ground floor of the Town Hall you will find a little treasure that is an Electricity Museum.  There you will find a collection of unique pieces from the old hydroelectric power station, as well as a catalogue of photographs.

In this exhibition you can see the Ésera valley before the arrival of the power station and the process of its construction, which began in 1914, radically changing life in the region.

There is also a considerable collection of industrial parts, with a Francis turbine runner, a rheostat and several different types of transformers.

As in all our selection of places to where you can enjoy energy tourism, we have selected a region where the nature, architecture and gastronomy you will find make it an even more extraordinary place to visit.


5 Larderello Geothermal Museum

This is the last stop on our tour of places where you can enjoy energy tourism and this time we have moved a little way outside our borders.

We have left Spain and moved to Pomarance (Italy) to find the Larderello Geothermal Museum a place where energy comes to life. There you can visit a very unique museum, because it is dedicated to geothermal energy and where there are 10 rooms that explain how geothermal energy works through new technologies and multimedia devices.

The museum is located in a beautiful town where you can also visit the first floor of the Larderel palace.  A magnificent mansion consisting of a dozen rooms, the historical library on the origins of Larderello and its development from the chemical industry to electricity.

It is the perfect opportunity to learn about technical and industrial aspects, as well as the applications for this sustainable energy that is in the hands of Enel Green Power.

Today, Larderello is a benchmarks for geothermal energy worldwide and is able to supply clean and sustainable electricity to the region. Not only that, but Larderello is in the heart of Tuscany, close to such monumental wonders as Florence and Siena.


Because energy tourism can be exciting

It is true that when you first hear about energy tourism you do not realise how interesting and fun it can be.

Places of incredible natural beauty, fascinating environments and historical regions full of charm.

Learn, enjoy and become aware of the great advances that are enabling us to go further and further. Understand how energy began to influence our society and how the new path in tariffs with sustainable and green energies will change everything yet again

A new way to make energy and a new way to enjoy your holidays is to take advantage of these 5 destinations where energy tourism is really exciting.








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Comparison of Electricity and Gas Tariffs

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