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Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals
ODS 6: Clean water and sanitation
ODS 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
ODS 12: Responsible consumption and production
BrioAgro is an intelligent irrigation platform with AI which uses low-cost technology based on information obtained by sensors (field and satellite). The soil moisture calibration algorithm is our most differential innovation by connecting this data with the irrigation system, we can irrigate when the crop needs it, automatically.
BrioAgro is a tool tailored to farmers. Through 24-hour monitoring system, farmer receives real time information on the main variables in which intervene, integrate with the agricultural irrigation systems. One of the main strategic challenges of BrioAgro is to promote greening and efficient innovation initiatives with new forms of agriculture. These shall be considered by addressing new requirements for plant characteristics, cultivation methods, technologies. In this sense, BrioAgro provides resource-efficient low-carbon water-efficient farming systems and new business models for agriculture activity, optimizing resources and ensuring effectiveness of the crops.