Ideas are still moving

An idea can end up fading away if we do not make it a reality. Sometimes, we need help to do so. For this there are initiatives such as "Las ideas se mueven", a competition organised by the Fundación Universidad-Empresa and Endesa, which is taking place for the second time this year.

Ideas move. Fortunately. Because it is thanks to this constant movement that humankind has reached its current point. That is, a present day where technological and scientific advances, developed with the clear aim of making our lives easier, are the order of the day. As this early stage of the 21th century, it has been brilliant ideas that have gifted us groundbreaking inventions that are on everyone's lips.

However, a good idea requires a second step to become that desired innovation: its implementation. As the distinguished Spanish doctor Santiago Ramón y Cajal once said:

"Ideas do not last long. Something has to be done with them".

An idea that arises within us can end up fading away if we do not make it a reality, if we do not push it beyond the abstract space that is the mind. And sometimes, we need help to do so. To this end, there are significant initiatives such as "Las ideas se mueven", a competition organised by the Fundación Universidad-Empresa and Endesa, which is being staged for the second time this year.

Ideas move to Madrid

While in 2015 Barcelona was the host city for this interesting experience, this time it is Madrid's turn. The first edition of the competition was undoubtedly a resounding success: more than 150 ideas were submitted by university and vocational students, and the three winning ideas, conceived by Oriol Liarte, Jaime Boldú and Cristian Olmo, were very interesting: a surface with which it is possible to heat different spaces taking advantage of the heat of the human body, a system that saves the cold water that comes out of the tap while the user is waiting for it to heat up, and an urban transport network that works with electricity, and that is formed by vehicles with predefined trajectories on the mapping of the streets.

This year, the competition, which is open to students from the Autonomous Community of Madrid between 18 and 27 years of age, and dedicated to energy innovation, will be in three phases:

  • The first is the conception of the idea, which must be related to one of Endesa's commitments: quality of the energy service, protection of the environment, and energy efficiency… Once conceived, the idea must simply be uploaded to the platform before November 20. To do so, the candidate must fill in a simple form:
  • The second phase only involves the three ideas chosen to progress to the final. From 22 to 24 November, the three finalists will be able to tour Madrid in the Endesa Van (an electric vehicle) while sharing their novel idea with an expert who will help them shape it and address any weak points.
  • Finally, on 1 December, during an event at Endesa's headquarters in Madrid, the three finalists will have to present their idea in public. Then, after the jury's verdict, the prizes will be presented: € 1,000 for the third-placed entry, € 1,500 for the second and € 3,000 for the winner.

The author of the best idea will also get a place on Bridge, a programme for university and vocational training graduates organised by the Fundación Universidad Empresa. This initiative, which aims to make students more employable and helps them develop their personal skills and fosters innovation and individual and collaborative learning, combines academic training valued at more than € 14,000 with paid internships in a company, which in this case would be Endesa.

The "Las ideas se mueven" platform is already receiving the first ideas, all of which are very interesting and include smart traffic lights that warn people with disabilities and that can manage traffic independently during an emergency, an appliance that blends the microwave and the refrigerator and the obtainment of energy through algae, using it as biomass.

"As long as there is someone who believes in an idea, the idea lives" – José Ortega y Gasset

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