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Seven music podcasts you will hooked on forever
The world of the podcast is really swinging and there are more and more programmes specialising in more and more types of content. Here in Music Lover, what interests us is music, so we have selected some of the music we like from those who offer this type of content in Spanish. There is music of all types and for all tastes: Pop, rock, urban and classical music. Here we go!
With just over thirty minutes per episode (quite a short duration in the podcast world) Alfonso Cardenal and his collaborators tell us so much about the great figures of popular music through their work, their personal life and the context in which their career developed. From Tom Jones to The Stone Roses, from Quique González to Radiohead, no matter how much of a fan you are, you will always find out something new and see your favourite artists from a different angle, all from the comfort of this Sofa Sonoro.
For something much more relaxed, almost in a humorous way, we have 'El Descampao' a programme presented by Sergio Mena. Here there is room for everything, as the promotion for the programme says. From music to films, history and comics. It really is a programme about culture, from a certain freaky angle that is fun to listen to and dynamic. Just like with "Sofa Sonoro", no matter how much you know, after listening to the programme you will always end up knowing so much more about the main bands.
Jon García is the presenter of this podcast (now also in video format) dedicated to urban music and trap. It has been on the air since 2020 and addresses issues relating to the music industry, artistic proposals and current context through personal interviews with artists and producers. Very interesting programmes with reviews of the local scenes in different Spanish cities such as Malaga, Zaragoza and Granada. Not to be missed if you want to keep up to date with the latest musical and cultural trends.
Esther Ramírez hosts this podcast focussing on music and films. At the time of writing, the last six published programmes featured artists including Barbra Streisand, The Beatles and Iron Maiden, just to give you an example of how transversal it is. The soundtracks of quite a far-out selection of films are also a prominent feature of the programmes dedicated to the "seventh art". She also leaves room for series and themed specials in the seats of a Chevrolet. Highly recommended.
Another essential programme to understand the meaning of the work of mainly classical artists. Bowie, Eric Clapton Cat or Yusuf / Cat Stevens featured in the most recent programmes at the time of writing this article. Especially interesting is the section entitled 'Esta canción me suena' (This song sounds familiar), in which two similar songs are compared to each other, to the point of generating complaints of plagiarism. There is a monthly recommendations section where you will always find something interesting. Very good programme presented by Álvaro Fernández.
Música y significado (Music and what it means)
Luis Ángel de Benito, professor at the Royal Conservatory of Madrid, presents and directs this programme that is broadcast on the Spanish National Radio channel Radio Clásica and that you can also listen to in podcast format. This is a complete change of genre and we enter the field of classical music that, even though there are those who may not like it, the friendly, colloquial tone, and the passion for music transmitted by this programme makes it really interesting and highly recommended for those wishing to find out more about the stories that are hidden behind the musical works and their composers.
Conocimientos Musicales (Musical Knowledge)
Another podcast that specialises in the analysis of works and composers of classical music and soundtracks, but also on the influence they have on popular musical culture. There is also room for jazz and those who feature in its history. David Antón and Pau Hernández present a programme with a talk-show format that introduces you to unknown musical fields that are sometimes unknown to the general public. Really cool.
These are the seven that we like the most at the moment, but as we will be writing this article again next week, new ones could be added or the list changed. There is so much available, and we have only focussed on podcasts in Spanish. In the international arena there is an endless selection and many of them are also very original and interesting.
If you have any suggestions, please tell us about them on our social networks. We are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.