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Since 1 October 1999, the nominal value of Endesa's share has been €1.20. |
As of December 31, 2023, the share capital of Endesa S.A. amounts to 1,270,502,540.40 euros and is fully subscribed and paid up. This figure has not changed in the last ten years, and is currently made up of 1,058,752,117 shares, each with a nominal unit value of 1.2 euros, all of the same class, with the same voting and financial rights. |
Endesa, S.A. shares are traded on the Spanish stock exchanges. Endesa S.A. shares have not been registered on the Foreign Stock Exchange of the Santiago Stock Exchange (Chile) or the Valparaíso Stock Exchange (Chile) since 23 and 29 December 2014, respectively. The cancellation of the registration of Endesa S.A. in the Registry of the Superintendence of Foreign Securities and Insurance of Chile has been effective since 11 February 2015. |
In July 1997, a four-to-one share split was performed, splitting the nominal value four to one by reducing the nominal value without increasing share capital.
In the “Share price" section, you will find information on the trend of Endesa's shares, both current (intraday) and historical. |
Individual investors can only invest in the shares of Endesa S.A. through legally authorised financial intermediaries (banks, savings banks, securities companies and agencies and portfolio management companies). Make sure that the intermediary that executes your investment orders is registered with the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) or the Bank of Spain and is authorised to offer and perform investment services in Spain. You can find investor information, warnings and guidance on the website of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV). |
Transactions in the securities markets entail certain expenses and fees for purchases and sales of securities and there are also custody, administration and management fees for the deposit thereof. In Spain, the maximum rates applied by legally established intermediaries are public. As a prerequisite to your application, get information about these maximum rates, which should be included in a brochure. They are available to the public at the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) or the Bank of Spain and in the entities themselves. |
You can obtain complete information on shareholder remuneration, in terms of dates and on the nature and amount thereof, on the website and by calling free to Shareholder Information on +34 900 666 900. Your depositary bank will send you information about the corresponding payments of Endesa dividends in your securities accounts.
No plan currently exists for the reinvestment of dividends.
You can consult and download the information that Endesa makes public: annual reports, quarterly results, relevant events, documentation regarding Shareholders' Meetings and issue prospectuses, presentations, etc. on the website.
You can ask the Shareholder Information Office to send you this information:
Telephone: +34 900 666 900 (free for calls from Spain).
Email: accionistas@endesa.es
Postal mail: Endesa Oficina de Información al Accionista, C/ Ribera del Loira, 60. 28042 Madrid, Spain.
The Shareholder Information Office has a free Shareholder Information telephone number +34 900 666 900 (for calls from Spain), email accionistas@endesa.es and postal mail C/ Ribera del Loira, 60. 28042 Madrid, where shareholders can send us their suggestions / opinions.
During the Shareholders' Meeting, shareholders may express, during the debate period, their observations on the agenda. Shareholders may also submit written questions to the Board of Directors on the matters included in the agenda, as well as information accessible to the public that the Company has provided to the National Securities Market Commission since the last Shareholders’ Meeting.