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Juan Sánchez-Calero Guilarte
Born in Rome (Italy) in 1956. Degree in Law, Doctor of Law and University Professor.
Professional Experience
Lawyer in practice since 1983, extensive experience in national and international litigation, as a lawyer and arbitrator, and as a defender in commercial and criminal-economic matters; Professor of Commercial Law of the Faculty of Law of the Complutense University of Madrid since 1998; He is one of the leading Spanish experts in commercial law, especially corporate law, financial markets and good corporate governance, most recognised nationally and internationally. He has done several studies and works on the right to energy.
Current position
- Chairman of Endesa, S.A. and the Endesa Foundation.
- Endesa's representative in different Foundation Boards
- Partner at the Sánchez Calero Law Firm
- University Professor of Commercial Law of the Faculty of Law of the Complutense University of Madrid.
Other activities
He has been a director of the Banking and Securities Law Magazine since 2009. He also participates in Management, Editorial and Scientific Boards of the main Spanish publications in commercial matters.