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Eleven tips to charge your mobile correctly and efficiently

Here are some tips to help you extend the useful life of your mobile phone's battery.

In recent years, mobile phones have become an essential of our activities throughout the day. There are endless applications that help us with numerous issues such as pedometers that calculate the distances we travel, agendas that notify us of our commitments and even those that enable us to catch up with our series while using public transport. That is why it is essential to extend their useful life as much as possible, to improve performance and slow down obsolescence.

Here are eleven tips to charge your mobile and get the most out of your battery:


1. Use original chargers

Always bear in mind that each manufacturer usually uses a charger with different standards, with a different voltage and intensity. If you use a different charger or a generic charger, your charge will not be entirely satisfactory (it will charge little or very slowly. That is why we advise you to prioritise charging with an official charger (or one recommended by the manufacturer) according to your mobile model.


2. If you are charging it for the first time, do it 100%

If it is a new mobile, charge it 100% (it will take about 3 hours) before turning it on and starting to use it.


3. Never let the battery run out, but do not fully load it either.

If you charge your mobile more than 80%, you damage the battery and affect its autonomy. If you allow it to run down below 20%, you are putting a strain on the battery and affecting its charging capacity. That is why it is advisable to keep your mobile's battery charge between 80% and 20%, so the battery does not lose any quality and its useful life is prolonged. With this in mind, iOs 13 operating system mobiles incorporate an Artificial Intelligence system that monitors to make sure the mobile does not exceed a load of 80% which optimises the process. For other systems, apps or solutions can be installed that control the charging process.

It is also recommended to connect the charger for short periods of time.


4. Charge once a month to maximum capacity

If you usually need to keep the load between the percentages mentioned above, once a month it is recommended to charge the mobile to 100%.


5. You can leave your mobile connected to the charger all night

Lithium batteries do not have the memory effect that previously affected batteries, each time the battery was fully charged they deteriorated a little more. Currently mobile charging systems disconnect from the network when they detect that charging is complete. Charging periods are also fragmented to avoid overheating.

However, as we pointed out above, it is not recommended to charge the battery more than 80% on a daily basis.


6. Never let the battery overheat

The most suitable temperature to charge the battery is between 16º and 22º C. If you charge it in a place where it is too hot, it can cause damage to your mobile. So you should not leave it charging when it is directly exposed to sunlight or close to heat sources. And do not charge it with the cover on, especially if the cover is not one of those approved by the manufacturer of your phone.

If you charge it somewhere where it is too cold, it will charge more slowly. When the temperature returns to normal, your battery will continue to work as before. Another variable that should be taken into account is the ambient humidity, which causes your mobile to lose charge more quickly and may suffer damage.


7. Never use your phone while charging

While you are charging the battery of your mobile you are advised not to use it. It can cause the battery to overheat, as well as damaging it by using it when charging. If possible, your mobile should be at rest while it is being charged.


8. Avoid fast charging

Some models of mobile phone include a fast charging system. You are recommended to use it only when necessary, as it causes noticeable wear and tear on the battery, as well as deterioration and shortening the useful life.


9. Periodically calibrate your mobile phone's battery

Your mobile phone may not be displaying charge percentages correctly. To correct this, you are recommended to recalibrate it monthly. It is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions. The usual process recommends charging the mobile to 100% and then letting it discharge until it switches off. You should then leave it switched off and unused for 8 hours, before putting it to charge while switched off for another 8 hours.


10. Always keep your mobile phone clean

For the battery to work properly, your mobile phone needs to be clean. Keep it away from dust, sand and liquids. Charging improves if the connectors are kept clean. The same goes for the charger: Prevent it from getting dirty, clean it with a damp cloth while it is switched off and do not squash or twist the cable. If you should detect any anomaly in the cable (irregularities, wear, sparks), disconnect it and consult the technical service.


11. If you are not going to use your mobile, leave it charged at 50%

Finally, if you are going to leave your mobile switched off and unused for period of time, it is advisable to charge it to 50%. Never leave it 100% charged or fully discharged, because the battery will deteriorate.

By following these simple tips, you will be able to extend the useful life of your mobile device by avoiding its premature wear, good for your pocket and for the planet, since with this you help to preserve your electronic devices avoiding the unnecessary waste of resources.








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